Forum Updates


The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
1,474 Posts
1,303 Thanked
Here you can see all updates which are being implemented (big or small). This thread will be updated whenever a new feature/section or more is being added or removed.

The former Classics section have been split in two;
- One for tracks released between 1988 and 2007 (1988 and 2007 included) 1988 - 2007
- One for tracks released between 2008 and 2018 (2008 and 2018 included) 2008 - 2018
Rules for each section can be read in that section

- We have added custom dark and light logos that appear when you share our site on social media. Try it out!
- We have added a "fire" (
) icon in front of threads with more than 20 replies, so more popular threads will be a bit more visible to everyone.

- We have added custom thread prompts for releases in the Upcoming/The Best Of sections. What that means is, when you want to create a thread in one of these sections, in the title field you will see the proper format of the thread title.
- We have made the spam filters a bit stricter.


Updated our UI/UX theme and as you can see its caused some visuals to change. We will aim to fix this as soon as possible :)


As you might have noticed, the forum looks slightly different. Some of the issues from the update were resolved, however the forum is not quite there yet. We are looking to fix this, but it will take a bit of time until everything is 'back to normal'.

- Fixed logo issues. However, some users are still experiencing some issues where the logo doesn't show.
- Fixed the TOTW component. Text display is inline, button is wider.
- Fixed the green elements of the interface and turned them blue.


We now support Bandcamp embed links!

While playing YouTube videos, you can click a button which will put a mini-player in the bottom right corner, which will allow you to scroll the page and watch the video at the same time.

Also, every embed player is now properly aligned (to the left, if not specified otherwise).


There's an Article type when you create a thread in the News, Reviews, Interviews and more section. If you're doing an interview or a review, you should select that.


- Best of 2020 article.
- Front Page section.

- Launch of TranceFix Radio

- Interview/Radio component now looks much sexier
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
- We have added custom dark and light logos that appear when you share our site on social media. Try it out! :)
- We have added a "fire" (
) icon in front of threads with more than 20 replies, so more popular threads will be a bit more visible to everyone.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
- We have set the limit for maximum embeds in a single post to 5. The previous limit was 10. This will help us keep threads less spammy feeling and also stop threads from slowing down computers. You can still post more than 5 embeds (youtube, for example) per post, it will just automatically turn them into text links.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
- We have added custom thread prompts for releases in the Upcoming/The Best Of sections. What that means is, when you want to create a thread in one of these sections, in the title field you will see the proper format of the thread title.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
- We have made the spam filters a bit stricter.


Respect my authoritah!
TranceFix Crew
Jun 24, 2020
68 Posts
120 Thanked

Updated our UI/UX theme and as you can see its caused some visuals to change. We will aim to fix this as soon as possible :)


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked

As you might have noticed, the forum looks slightly different. Some of the issues from the update were resolved, however the forum is not quite there yet. We are looking to fix this, but it will take a bit of time until everything is 'back to normal'.

- Fixed logo issues. However, some users are still experiencing some issues where the logo doesn't show.
- Fixed the TOTW component. Text display is inline, button is wider.
- Fixed the green elements of the interface and turned them blue.

Important notice: If you are having any issues with the display (e.g. icons missing), please delete your browser cache.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked

We now support Bandcamp embed links!

While playing YouTube videos, you can click a button which will put a mini-player in the bottom right corner, which will allow you to scroll the page and watch the video at the same time.

Also, every embed player is now properly aligned (to the left, if not specified otherwise).
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked

There's an Article type when you create a thread in the News, Reviews, Interviews and more section. If you're doing an interview or a review, you should select that.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked

- Best of 2020 article.
- Front Page section.


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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked

More visual updates, making the site look way better (if I do say so myself) + some other small tweaks

- More minimal design
- Better brand imagery
- TF Radio area layout changes
- Interview/Article area layout changes.
- Upload size limit of media now increased


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked
Another small, but absolute ball tickling visual update. I am trying hard to declutter and tidy up the site as much as possible. You have no idea how much the disgraceful un-organized top section and buttons floating around annoyed me, and also the unnecessary height created from the huge logo and menu on two separate horizontal planes was also.... sickening.

Well thats all fixed. Still not perfect (got a few more tweaks to make) but so much better than before.

You peasants probably wont even notice any changes anyway.


Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 2.29.22 PM.png


Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 2.29.53 PM.png

Once I finish the tidying there will be some sexy changes coming to the interview/reviews section, which also makes me want to headbutt my mum everytime I look at it.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked
Small update to the Modern Classics 2008-2019 section....

Now includes 2019.
The original idea was to wait 5 years before including another year (time the ultimate test) and to use the yearly 'Best of Threads' for the more recent years. However due to the forum re-platform we lost 2019 thread, so I made the exception and added it there (thanks to @TRANCEBLASTER for prodding us on this)

Now can sort by year
Like the 1998-2007 section, you can use the top tabs in the second to sort/filter by year. 2008 dominant year so far haha.

Migrate threads from UR section to MC section
When 5 years passes we will move classic tracks from the Upcoming release section into the Classic Section for that year. This way we immortalize the thread and keep all the great conversation from the original release thread and have it archived in the classic section, without the need to duplicate. For example Enigma State - IMF/Enigmatic would be moved into the Modern Classics section in 2025.


Pretty quiet section, but I know there is still plenty of good music to share from these years. Def encourage more sharing you minions.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
Small update:

TranceFix Content section has been moved down in the forum list, so the first section is the Main one. This is because we already have the banner, plus the three "front page" items on top of the page, which always point to threads from TranceFix Content section. In any case, Main section is the most used one, so it will be slightly easier to access from now on.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked
Recently I added Trancefix to Google analytics. Today after looking at the stats from the last 30 days I was quite surprised. 2736 users and over 12,000 sessions (visits to site). Was not expecting it to be this high in such a short period.

Also it looked like something happened on Oct 7th to 10th as we see a big peak being of organic searches (not directly lookin for TF) a small peak of visits related to social. It looks like maybe some social thing happened and it caused a big spike. But we have no activity on FB and cant see anything on Youtube either. Who knows. We had around 10 new users join on those dates.

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Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 2.54.59 PM.png


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
Could it have been this? 8K views already, for a thread with 10 replies it's a lot.



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked
@everyone - As some you eagle eyed people may be noticing, but the site design is going through some small (and also big) changes. Heres the new updates

Turned off 'Out Now' prefix
This isn't used consistently enough by users to validate the effort and visual clutter it ads. Many tracks that are 'Out' are not marked as such as this could be confusing. Say goodbye to this TF 15 year tradition.

New Banners!
Last month we improved the banners - The past ones annoyed me for like 2 years, because on large monitors (which I have) it stretched all the written content and had some weird cropping and on mobile it was tiny. Not anymore! Now the content sits on top as a separate layer and resizes best to fit the screen size. Not only but the new visual design I have is way sexier, and all the images can be uploaded easily in a management surface.

New Interview/Editiorial Design
Oh this one is fucking good. Our previous interview designs looked disgraceful Thread posts are not suited for that kind of thing. Now it looks so much more professional and clean. Finally it looks professional and gives me a lot more motivation to reach out to artists and interview them (loads of good ones planned - including Digital Blonde!). I will probably make design updates to this again in the future, as currently its a 7.5/10, and I want it 9/10.

New Interview/Editorial Hub Design
If we get a new interview layout we def needed a new place to store them all. Still some work being done on this, but already is fucking so much better.

Screenshot 2023-12-02 at 9.04.47 AM.png

More changes coming!
A new voting system and design should be ready soon! And some UI tidy up is also on the way. The site is gonna look so fucking good. I already love it. We've gone from a 4/10 on original platform, to a 6/10 when re-platformed, slowly creeping up to 7.8/10 with all these new changes. Soon it will be 8.4/10 and thats just delightful!