Hamas attacking Universo Parallelo psytrance festival in Israel


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Oct 5, 2023
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speaking of the latest news, Israel just keeps and keeps proving who are the true blood seeking twats in here, Israel is definitely making my top 3 of shit villain governments with US and UK at this point


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Strong words, but really? You like the government from Russia more? Prefer North Korea? China? Comon…
Without defending any of those, and without picking any preferred ideologies,

it depends on your metric.

if you only count neighbouring/ foreign conflict starters, the us is by Far the biggest bully
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May 4, 2022
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Netanyahu is nothing more than the latest 21st century right wing psychopath, hijacking nationalist idealism to justify the sick and disgraceful extermination of the Gaza people. None of that is an exaggeration. This is a man who won’t loose even one wink of sleep, or allow one fraction of thought to enter his mind of the innocents of Palestine he murders in the thousands. The very definition of psychopath. When Hamas attacked he would have licked his lips at the opportunity that presented itself. He feeds off terror and conflict, he needs it. Hamas to him is an ally, make no mistake about it, and it’s been well documented his funding of this organization in the past too. He disgraces humanity.


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Oct 5, 2023
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Strong words, but really? You like the government from Russia more? Prefer North Korea? China? Comon…
100% mate, what's wrong about North Korea? they just try to stay independent and screw the capitalism game, kudos for that

China is not much different from US just less powerful and influential yet, same goes for Russia, they're microscopic compared to US, just trying to have their minor share on international influence

if you see how Israel is dealing with Palestina, the way Russia acts against Ukraine is almost a petting really


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Jul 17, 2020
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Oh lord…
Then again… if your metric is inflicting dictatorial enslavement, torture, poverty and mass starvation on your own people (which is what any communist regime, no exception, ever did/ let too). The US/UK are virtually saintlike 🤷‍♂️

It’s a matter of perspective, shall we say..


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Jul 17, 2020
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Netanyahu is nothing more than the latest 21st century right wing psychopath, hijacking nationalist idealism to justify the sick and disgraceful extermination of the Gaza people. None of that is an exaggeration. This is a man who won’t loose even one wink of sleep, or allow one fraction of thought to enter his mind of the innocents of Palestine he murders in the thousands. The very definition of psychopath. When Hamas attacked he would have licked his lips at the opportunity that presented itself. He feeds off terror and conflict, he needs it. Hamas to him is an ally, make no mistake about it, and it’s been well documented his funding of this organization in the past too. He disgraces humanity.
Agreed..Hamas is the never failing machine by which Israel can, and will, expand. Untill there is nothing left but it, within its borders.

The only uptick in that (inevitable) doom scenario in my eyes is that the Palestinian people, their culture and religion can still live and to a degree thrive in Israel (which is already the case today). This would most likely not be the case for your average Israeli if the situation where reversed.


Dec 7, 2022
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Coming to light now that all tosee claims of Hamas "beheading babies" was complete bullshit. Some of the video stills that were displayed in my countries main newspapers of the kids in cages was also taken from some video posted way before the attacks even happened. What is that saying about the lie that spreads around the whole world before the truth even ties its shoelaces.


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Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK

Excuse the click-bait headline, but thought this might be worth a watch for those not familiar with the utter lunacy going on in the UK at the moment in regards to the massacre in Gaza.

Joe Glenton is usually bang on the money on stuff like this and this video is no exception.


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Oct 5, 2023
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what israel is doing is compared to the us genocide against Vietnam as the most inhumane military action since WW2. nothing excuses that shit
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Jul 17, 2020
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Speaking of excuse, (and Vietnam) There has been some postulating in this thread about how Netanyhu and his government "let" this all defacto happen, in order to post hoc further their "Conquest of the holy land"

But I though Musk's take was at the very least interresting aswell.

What if its Netanyahu and his cronies are actually the one's being led by the nose here?

Why did Hamas, knowing full well that this was going to fail in the short term... commit the attack the way they did? Why did they target foreign festival goers, Rape women, , burn children etc. instead of say: restrict themselves to militairy outposts /government centres and taking only hostages as a bargaining chip?

Was the whole attack and the way it was setup done in such a way as to provoke the maximum isreali responds, which (given its brutality) would ensure a tripling of Hamas in terms of size as an organisation for the coming generations? whilst weakening Isreal's moral position on the international stage?

Basically: Bin Laden's original plan to "break" the west in Afghanistan long-term ->but then in Palestine.
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Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
Speaking of excuse, (and Vietnam) There has been some postulating in this thread about how Netanyhu and his government "let" this all defacto happen, in order to post hoc further their "Conquest of the holy land"

But I though Musk's take was at the very least interresting aswell.

What if its Netanyahu and his cronies are actually the one's being led by the nose here?

Why did Hamas, knowing full well that this was going to fail in the short term... commit the attack the way they did? Why did they target foreign festival goers, Rape women, , burn children etc. instead of say: restrict themselves to militairy outposts /government centres and taking only hostages as a bargaining chip?

Was the whole attack and the way it was setup done in such a way as to provoke the maximum isreali responds, which (given its brutality) would ensure a tripling of Hamas in terms of size as an organisation for the coming generations? whilst weakening Isreal's moral position on the international stage?

Basically: Bin Laden's original plan to "break" the west in Afghanistan long-term ->but then in Palestine.
There was some suggestion of Iranian and or Russian involvement at one point, in the planning stage at least.
The suggestion this being some sort of state sponsored proxy action knowing full well the west would pump military aid over to Israel. Between this and funding Ukraine, you get a stretching of US and European resources and increase in fossil fuel prices due to global instability.

Why Hamas would go along with it is anyone’s guess.

Of course, that could just be all propaganda or smoke and mirrors. The line is very blurry between truth and fiction these days.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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There was some suggestion of Iranian and or Russian involvement at one point, in the planning stage at least.
The suggestion this being some sort of state sponsored proxy action knowing full well the west would pump military aid over to Israel. Between this and funding Ukraine, you get a stretching of US and European resources and increase in fossil fuel prices due to global instability.

Why Hamas would go along with it is anyone’s guess.

Of course, that could just be all propaganda or smoke and mirrors. The line is very blurry between truth and fiction these days.
Well.. yes and no. Yes in the sense that Iran and by extent Russia are players involved in this pre-hoc. No in the sense that Russia doesn't care all that much at this point about spare (old) western military equipment aid being send to Ukraine, even if its in large numbers.

(Which is why they only sporadically "protest" against it.)

The type of battle field we're currently seeing in the Donbass is that of a new (warfare) Era, in where solid defence lines have been raised on both sides of the battlefield, and each party can simply see what the enemy is up to by means of handheld drones gallore, Satellites in a still neutral LEO-Space and accumulated Yottabites of superfast internet via hand-held mobile phones and mobile (militairy) internet servers.

This creates a huge stale-mate on both sides.

Both defence lines are at this point massive force multipliers. You can throw all the T-80 or western Leopard tanks you want against that.. your enemy, (knowing far in advance that you're mobilizing by said means) can simply pummel you at range, inflicting massive casualties and even if one side somehow manages to make a small break in the 1e line of defence....there's 2 more to go. By the time you’re half way, your army will be defacto gone, or fleeing. something both Russia and Ukraine have had happened to them.

The reason Russia is sort of on board on the sidelines are its close ties with Iran. Its not Ukraine or trying to split western aid between it and Israel.

It doesn’t matter much to Putin at this point if Zelenski receives 10 or a 100 tanks…The war in Ukraine will not be one of tech superiority, or number superiority for that matter anymore.. It will be one of attrition. On this front Russia has the upper hand. It can basically just sit and wait at this point.

The main reason behind, Iran in particular (and as such Russia its its wake), re-pumping lots of (war)funding into in this case Hamas prehoc the strike are IMO the Abrahamic accords.. in where Isreal is re-forging ties with coutries like the UAE, bahrain, and other (predominatly Sunni-muslim!) power houses like saudi Arabia.

Such an (economic/militairy) alliance might very well tip the power balance in the region, to Iran's detriment.
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Jan 11, 2022
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Kazan, Russia
Funny, Israel has been shouting left and right that they were the victim of holocaust. Now they've become ones whom they blamed for fascism...
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Funny, Israel has been shouting left and right that they were the victim of holocaust. Now they've become ones whom they blamed for fascism...
yup, then again.. the term fascism nowadays is pretty much diluted to the point of absolute meaninglessness these days.
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