Alright, so I know I might be the dark horse here, but technology and digital communication have actually made my life not only easier, but actually saved it, socially.
When I was a kid I had ONE great friend - like, we were truly best friends. We did everything together, played football way past our bedtime, ate together, played, had fun and even did our homework. Sometime back in 1999 my parents split (on good terms) and I had to move. Not only move to a different, school, but a different city. I lost all contact with my best friend like with a snap of a finger and it broke me.
The kids at my new school were all lovely people and some of them I spend most of my young/teenage life with; We, of course, had a blast together and I even fell in love with one of them. The years were fantastic and we never once thought about technology or computers. Sure, we had LAN-parties and such, but 90% of our time together we spend on board-games, football, walks and so on.
Fast forward a couple of years and life happens, as always; My friends moved to a new city which suited their specific dreams, but not me; I've always been incredibly shy, an introvert if you want, and I could never in a million years see myself living in a big city. So, I stayed back, knowing I would lose contact with them over time - and of course that was what happened. Now, I only talk to 2-3 of them maybe once a year. It wasn't like that at first, we tried to remain contact, but as everything else it naturally faded into nothing.
Back home I made new.... "friends"... I write that in quotes, but that's not a bad thing; I love these people, but they are not.... FRIENDS like the other ones used to be. Of course, having friends as an adult is different than when you were a kid, but these people I know and like, but I never miss them the same way I miss my old friends.
So, where does technology and digital communication come into the picture? Well, pretty much back in 2010 when I discovered various forums (Like the old TranceFix). As said before, I'm incredibly shy in person, but not here; Not when I don't have to BE WITH someone. This is not only where I feel comfortable "talking" to people, this is actually my safe-space. Discord have been a huge part of my social life for the past couple of years and I've honestly made what I would consider to be friends (Like, truly friends!). Knowing myself, I doubt that would ever happen if I didn't trust in myself on various digital platforms. I know how I feel when being around people and I know how I feel when writing this, to you and everyone else. Technology made it possible for me to talk to and with someone again and socially I haven't been happier since my early teens.
Now, this doesn't mean technology doesn't have its downsides, of course it does; I rarely use Facebook (if ever), I'm not on Instagram and all that and Youtube I pretty much only use for a couple of subscriptions - too much of anything can be bad and that's why I'm always aware of how much time I spend on various platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Twitch, but as for talking to people and actually be happy "around" people and opening up to new faces I haven't been happier for ages. Naturally I still love being outside and being away from the PC (I run alot, I walk, I love spending time outside just thinking about life and stuff), but when it comes to everything else; Forums like these and Discord have made my life much easier.