John Askew
Release title
John Askew - Plush
Label name
Perfecto Fluoro
Release year


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Jul 19, 2020
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Release Date: 14 July 2014
Label | Cat#: Perfecto Fluoro | PRFLU053

John is a massive satchel. I have the misfortune of sharing an office with him.

He keeps insisting that Perfecto Fluoro is a Goa trance label that doesn’t release 140 but guess what? When my back is turned he goes and sneaks a 140 track into the schedule. Honestly – I have never met a more hypocritical bell end in all my life.

Still, if John’s style of music floats your boat and you enjoyed his recent productions (Commander Tom “Are am Eye” remix, JOC “Stresstest” remix, Empirion “Narcotic Influence” remix or his single “Shine” etc etc) then I guess you may like this one.

When I asked John to describe the sound of this record he said “it sounds the same as all my other shit but this time it has the added bonus of people having sex all the way through it”.

In true egotistical style there are no remixes.

Yes, this sounds like Johnny's other tracks. Then again, it does have one of my favorite release blurbs of all time. Posted mostly for the maymays, and definitely NSFW.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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The first interesting part occurs at 1:50 with that little break. I love the special effects in those high hats.
Lmao at the moaning. Yeah, this is a headphones-only track.