If it wasn't already apparent that Lange was off his rocker, these track titles should give you a solid clue.
Yes he's gone a bit weird since COVID. I follow him on Twitter and I kind of wish I did'nt. I don't mind anyone having their own opinions on things but I just wish he would use his Lange account for music and not personal stuff. I'm interested in his music not his thoughts on world conspiracies. The never meet your idol analogy comes to mind here for a Twitter digital age.....If it wasn't already apparent that Lange was off his rocker, these track titles should give you a solid clue.
lolHe started playing my tracks so i dont mind if hes gone a bit mad haha.
He started playing my tracks so i dont mind if hes gone a bit mad haha.
And that is very much fair enoughI don't follow these guys to here their political viewpoints, I follow for music.
And that is very much fair enough
But to counterpoint that a little bit, and speaking ás an artist who has many differing opinions politically/ culturally etc. as opposed to "the flock".
If you're by all rights and privilege, only there for the music(s). I would suggest sticking to following only music platforms. e.a. Beatport, Label websites etc.
Social media is by definition Social, and artists or actors are a "brand" uppon themselves to do with as they please. This is also why prior to deleting everything social media, I didn't follow any moviestar or music artist outside from what they churned out creatively.
If an artists say: chooses to make a song (or rant) about his home country Ukraine being attacked, or an earthquake in Sendai, I don't think "fans" are entitled or in any position to demand that he or she shouldn't. They can however opt to ignore it.
its crap and yes I agree it would be better if left alone, But I don't think it should be asked of them not too.
Ooooh that autocorrect is gold!! I’ve had my fill of anti this and anti that with no evidence whatsoever. I face it a lot as an expert in my field. If these nutters turn their own lens on themselves you’d think they’d evaluate their BS as exactly that, but they don’t, because they decided their view have then gone searching for ‘evidence’ to support it, and guess what?? Found it in other nutters unsubstantiated ramblings on the internet. The first time I found myself defending peer reviewed science against ‘google’ was pretty worrying. The biggest issue here is it’s not ok to let these people have the loudest voice and start to influence the narrative. The truth is that which is established scientifically, by questioning and testing until satisfactory based on an agreed set of rules, and is testable by multiple independent analyses returning the same result (we do this as a species). And, critically, remains testable and up for scrutiny. In the first paper I got published I made it REEEEEALLY clear what I did and didn’t know for certain, to promote questions and further work. Once we question that method, we are fuckedIt's self-fulfilling in the long run. Lange will ultimately cultivate a fanbase entirely of conspiracy theorists and associated nutters while the normal folks like you and me quietly back away and leave him to his strange troubles. Perhaps it's a conscious business decision, it is a demographic that seems to be most easily parted with their money.
In typing that, my phone just autocorrected "Lange" to "Kanye".