UFOs and Aliens


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Dec 11, 2020
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A fun and interesting topic for me, such as the recordings of UFOs and the speculation of life in the universe with the possibility it has visited us yet. When I was 15 I had my own UFO experience in the dusk part of the night, with two very fast and strange moving discs with lights. I watched them for about 3 minutes and the I blinked and they moved away in a second. Very cool, you could even see the reflections in the lake. Since that point I was hooked on the subject.

Have you seen some of the news recently about UFO's? What is your opinions on this topic? The big stories and big movement on th subject are coming more and more. A real breakthrough I think. My belief that the possibility of aliens visiting us is good, maybe even very convincing. Anyone feel the same?

Here's a cool story from this month - Leaked footage of ‘pyramid-shaped’ UFOs is real, Pentagon says


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I'm not convinced.

First of all, our eyesight and our brain are not perfect. Think of all the illusions that can trick our brain. We can hallucinate as well.

And I really doubt any civilization capable of defying the known laws of physics (travel faster than the speed of light) would come over here just to check out a lake.

Julian Del Agranda

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Agreed with Gagi. Plus... why is the only 'evidence' always tiny vague and badly recorded distorted images...

It's 2021, I demand high resolution 4K 60 fps footage of an alien craft.

It seems obvious tough that somewhere is alien life. The universe is simply too big to think we are alone with 'life' here on earth.
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TranceFix Crew
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As Neil deGrasse Tyson said, Photoshop comes with a UFO button nowadays.


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I believe in UFO's and find Aliens plausible as seperate concepts. Alien UFO's however not. Main reason being certain physics axioms that hold true even in case of new theories/ unknown technologies.


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This is the kind of topic that makes me wonder how deep is its rabbit hole.

If I remember correctly, one of the most legit "sightings" of an UFO (note: not an alien, just an UFO) is from a recording by a pilot out there in the ocean. The pilot saw something flying far above him, but he could not identify what it was. No other planes/flying craft were supposed to be flying in that area at that time. The pilot was flying alone; he presumably disappeared and was never seen again.
One theory is that the pilot was flying upside down and noticed his own reflection in the sea. This didn't make sense, though, because the color that the pilot described in the recordings did not match the color of the lights emitted by his own plane, so he likely was not seeing his reflection but an actual flying vessel. No one ever figured out what that other vessel was.

I found this story while binging Youtube videos from Nexpo, who covers a good amount of disturbing/unnerving content but never gets conspiracy-y.


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Feb 24, 2021
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Also into this topic (a lot maybe)

@Uplifted thats a funny post from Musk, I get his point. But you CAN find defined photographs of UFO's, but then the default position of that image would likely be received as photo manipulation. It's therefore hard to factor in photography and video into the overal UFO debate, although it's still valid.

My Samsung camera is powerful, but only at close distances. If I point it at a plane in the sky it barely makes sense of it. If I use video and zoom it looks exactly like the videos of UFO's or worse. My DSLR is very high end, it also struggles with very long distances in the sky.

Look at the video in the original post. That's a Pentagon video, from a US Navy camera. It's not fake, but its still blurry and distorted. My guess is distance/speed plays a big role.

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 2.28.23 PM.png Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 2.23.40 PM.png. Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 2.22.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 2.20.29 PM.png

The images above real or fake? Who knows. The first image is released from the UK's Ministry of Defense records. The last image (b&w), was released by the Costa Rican government in 1971 after a survey plane picked it up by chance on one of their cameras. A publication was done for in depth analysis of the photo, and based on the distance from the camera to ground this object is the size of 2 soccer fields. It's not a fake image, so what is it?

Publication that analyzed the photograph, look at the detail thats gone into it. We can say with certainty its not a photo error or a particle on the camera. - https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/3/jse_03_2_haines.pdf
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Ha, I love that this is a topic. Lads you are in for a mind-blow, I think if you looked into some of the recent UFO news, discussion, comments etc you will be like 'wtf!' and seriously surprised overall.

Main reason being certain physics axioms that hold true even in case of new theories/ unknown technologies.

What do you mean by this?
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Hot Tuna

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One of the strongest arguments against that I know of is that sightings/photo evidence nearly always reflects shapes/technology in the public consciousness at the time. Nobody ever sees plain shiny metal disc UFOs any more do they, now it's all sleek black triangles with mad LEDs.

Furthermore, presumably they don't make contact so as not to interfere with our evolution. Fair enough, we're not ready. But then why do they regularly make the mistake of almost giving themselves away? Perhaps our atmosphere is absolutely teeming with them and we happen to see the odd one that has an invisibility malfunction.

With that said, pilots tend to be quite trustworthy people and I've heard enough reports from them to be not completely closed-minded.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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What do you mean by this?

there's a couple but the main one's are tied to the (practically neccesairy) FTL question.

1, there's no such thing as faster then light since theoretically, its a division by zero equal infinity
2, if there is such a thing as faster then light it would automatically move backwards in time. and cannot by the same reason as 1; move slower then light.
3, any theoreticall workable loophole around FTL by say, alcubierre's metric or one/two way traversable einstein rosenbridges inevitably lead to points in spacetime where you end up before you leave. i.o.w. temporal/causal paradoxes

there's others aswell such as there being no such thing as stealth in space.. but those two are the main ones
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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That makes sense @jetflag. Also don't understand how they could be flying here so quickly over the great distances. The closest star system is Alpha Centuri and hats 4.4 light years away, which is over 20 trillion miles away.

But there could be countless of explanations to the FTL/Distance problem. Not hard to imagine that solutions beyond humans limited understanding of physics, time/space, dimensions, light etc are possible and understood by hyper advanced life. Perhaps the can travel at 30% the speed of light? Perhaps they could even be coming from a different dimension, or understand time manipulation? Possibilities are endless really.

Hot Tuna

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I remember another argument I once heard about the possibility that we are alone in the universe. Consider the length of time that we have existed as an intelligent life form compared to the age of the universe. It is a blip. Eventually we will blow ourselves up, get wiped out by some force of nature, or the sun will come to the end of its life, and our time still won't be that considerable. The same applies to any other potential life-supporting planets out there.

The chance of meeting other intelligent life not only relies on being able to travel the enormous distances to the small % of possible life-supporting solar systems, but the chance that those life forms actually exist at this tiny point in time.


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But there could be countless of explanations to the FTL/Distance problem. Not hard to imagine that solutions beyond humans limited understanding of physics, time/space, dimensions, light etc are possible and understood by hyper advanced life. Perhaps the can travel at 30% the speed of light? Perhaps they could even be coming from a different dimension, or understand time manipulation? Possibilities are endless really.
I think the problem with 30% speed of light (or any < 100% speed of light) is that distances in space are large. The distance from the Sun to Proxima Centauri, the nearest-known star, is about 4.24 light years away. If an alien species could travel at 50% the speed of light, they would still need to travel for ~8.5 years before reaching the Sun if they started from Proxima Centauri.
Realistically, an alien species would be much, much farther away, on the order of thousands of light years away. On a cosmic scale, light is not fast. This is why you need faster than light travel.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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But there could be countless of explanations to the FTL/Distance problem. Not hard to imagine that solutions beyond humans limited understanding of physics, time/space, dimensions, light etc are possible and understood by hyper advanced life. Perhaps the can travel at 30% the speed of light? Perhaps they could even be coming from a different dimension, or understand time manipulation? Possibilities are endless really.
I don't think this is an explanation, just pure speculation based on some movies/documentaries.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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@dmgtz96 8.5years would be a long time indeed to travel to our nearest star, but remember we as humans have craft traveling for decades before it reaches the destination, so no reason why advanced races wouldn't send out unmanned craft for extended periods of time. Although as you say, the closest lifeform might be 50 or 1000 light years away, which would put the number very high

What do you mean @Gagi? My point was that Aliens could be getting here in a number of unknown ways, and that looking at it through the human perspective of light speed might be irrelevant.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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What do you mean @Gagi? My point was that Aliens could be getting here in a number of unknown ways, and that looking at it through the human perspective of light speed might be irrelevant.
This is exactly what I mean, you're just speculating. I mean, yes, we might have not figured out everything about our universe, but what we have figured out with the scientific method we did for a reason, and you just can't ignore the speed of light or even physics laws widely accepted within the scientific community. This all seems like "is this a simulation/does God exist/etc", where people try to explain something with sketchy "science" and too much theory which is not proven at all. Speculation.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2021
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I remember another argument I once heard about the possibility that we are alone in the universe. Consider the length of time that we have existed as an intelligent life form compared to the age of the universe. Eventually we will blow ourselves up, get wiped out by some force of nature, or the sun will come to the end of its life, and our time still won't be that considerable. The same applies to any other potential life-supporting planets out there.

Isn't the opposite true? I'm talking about Fermi's Paradox, in which states that the size of the Universe is so large and the age so old that mathematically we should be seeing countless civilizations succeed in interstellar travel (however fast that may be). These would be active or relics. The fact that we haven't is a mathematical paradox.

The Kepler telescope findings helped produce an estimate of 40 billion planets in the habitable zone, and this was from 2013. Number is likely higher now. That's just the Milkway alone. 40 billions planets with millions upon millions of years to produce multiple intelligent lifeforms. We went from horse and carriage to rover on mars in little over 100 years. Its microscopic time to achieve space travel.


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Dec 11, 2020
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Wow so many good responses. None of you seen the UFO though??? I think someone on this forum must of had an experience, but maybe not. You know many astronaughts have seen these things too? One gentleman talks of huge fleets of UFO seen while in their spaceship from the 70's. His name is Gordon Cooper. Another astrodude called Edgar Mitchell also says 'aliens are real'. He stepped foot on the moon, number 4 I think. These astrodudes telling some cool stories, makes you think because I have respect for them and dont know why they would lie about this topic. Whats to gain?
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