I felt the movie was simply too short
It was almost 3 hours, so another 60-90 minutes as you suggest would have been way to long. But another 15-30 minutes would indeed have been good. There were parts that did feel rushed, and actually the final battle, which was very cool, could have been absolutely legendary (Helms deep/Minas Tirath level) if it took its time to build the tension and rawness of it all. Definitely a missed opportunity there to stand alongside the greats. The last 20-30 minutes were definitely feeling rushed, but thankfully not that bad. Just unfortunate considering how good the movie is overall.
I rewatched the first movie few days ago and thought it was quite average. Cinematography is very good, but the pacing and story was poor. Literally 0 tension and emotion. The fight choreography was so bad it felt like power rangers at points, and the casting/dialog a bit hit or miss. I also agree with @PegaSus that Hans score is nothing special. It's unmemorable... definitely does not sit alongside the greats, but thankfully in Part 2 its not quite as over-used (constant bass/wailing). Part 1 is a 6.5/10.
Thankfully Part 2 I have none of the same complaints. Acting performances were all ranging from decent to awesome. Paul and Chani were great characters. The mum really got a lot better and Bardem was good too. I actually thought the Baron was quite underwhelming overal, which is surprising because I love that actor - just not that menacing in delivery or design. Walken as the emperor was a bad choice in my opinion. He is past his sinister years and comes across as sweet old man now.
All the action was better. The grandfather worm scene was fucking amazing. Huge smile on my face when watching it. Cinematography and screenplay just sublime. A concept design of the ships, world and details just masterful. There was something about the story that didnt quite reach magic status, but still very good, and miles better than Part 1.
Overal - 8.4/10