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Senior Member
Jul 28, 2020
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Norway, Scandinavia
Saw No Time To Die (Bond) new trailer. And while my heart rate went up upon seeing both Ana de Armas and Lea Seydoux in one movie, the rest seemed very blockbuster-y, in continuation of the style of the previous movies. Too many explosions, impossible action sequences and whatnot. I'm guessing it will also lack any real substance, with some intertextuality and generic blockbuster music. If you weren't able to guess from my tone, I'm really not optimistic about it.

Should Bond die? On the one hand, I don't think it's gonna get any better than Casino Royale. But then again, some of the movies were just like that even before, almost completely unwatchable. There were only a few that stood out above the rest. The new ones are at least watchable, even if they are passable. Let's just hope the new actor who'll play Bond will freshen up the franchise as Daniel Craig did when he was first cast.

Well, duh, its Hollywood after all :rolleyes:


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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The Guard (2011)

Such a refreshing movie! It's a cop comedy drama, but really done with taste. There's not too much of anything. Brendan Gleeson really shines here as the main actor, his character is brilliant.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Roma - A film about life of a Mexican woman who works as a domestic care worker in Mexico city in the 70's. After living there for 6 months last year I was interested to see this. As a movie its pretty unique and artsy in its storytelling... slow, no real 'arc' and black and white... but the directing shots are nice and it feels like a real true biopic or insight into the dynamics of the lifestyle and time period. 7.1/10

The Lighthouse
- Another black and white artsy type film. It is truly awful, do not believe the reviews. People want to believe it has meaning and substance, but to put it shortly its; fun acting but extreme over-acting, awful script with often in-audible dialogue, no storyline, you have no care for characters, overly pretentious, 'meaning' felt university student level, utterly pointless or ridiculous moments, very slow, continuity riddled, and for a film about the descent into madness it handles the passage of time poorly. All and all its a very bad film. 5/10


The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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The Lighthouse - Another black and white artsy type film. It is truly awful, do not believe the reviews. People want to believe it has meaning and substance, but to put it shortly its; fun acting but extreme over-acting, awful script with often in-audible dialogue, no storyline, you have no care for characters, overly pretentious, 'meaning' felt university student level, utterly pointless or ridiculous moments, very slow, continuity riddled, and for a film about the descent into madness it handles the passage of time poorly. All and all its a very bad film. 5/10
Haha, I feel like we've watched two completely different movies
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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God damnit I can't wait for that trailer! Not even sure I want to watch it, haha

And true, @PegaSus , THe Lighthouse is absolutely amazing!

J. Dorian

Jul 13, 2020
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Kaiserslautern / Germany
I agree with you, guys! The lighthouse is amazing! Interesting fact that Robert Eggers shot the film with camera lenses from the 1930's. Due to the almost quaternary picture format (1.19:1) and the black/white coloring, he created a fascinating atmosphere. With a Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson in top form!
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Haha, I feel like we've watched two completely different movies

Do you really think a man can descend into madness in under 4 weeks? That's so short, no matter how much booze and bad labour you have to suffer. People do solitary confinement for months up months and come out better. Was the ending not also very predictable and also non-sensical? Mermaid porn too? I think if I asked all three of you what the deeper storyline was you'd all say different things...not because its open to abstract meaning, but simply because it is unclear, poorly done and bad writing. Man, you should read some of the many 1 star reviews out there and tell me they are not speaking some sense haha, I cant put it into words properly. Defoe was hilarious and I liked it, but he sounded like a he embodied a pirate - overacting was intense for both characters no?

You see the Shining I assume? - that captures madness and storytelling perfectly, its so beyond what this film did.


The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Do you really think a man can descend into madness in under 4 weeks? That's so short, no matter how much booze and bad labour you have to suffer. People do solitary confinement for months up months and come out better. Was the ending not also very predictable and also non-sensical? Mermaid porn too? I think if I asked all three of you what the deeper storyline was you'd all say different things...not because its open to abstract meaning, but simply because it is unclear, poorly done and bad writing. Man, you should read some of the many 1 star reviews out there and tell me they are not speaking some sense haha, I cant put it into words properly. Defoe was hilarious and I liked it, but he sounded like a he embodied a pirate - overacting was intense for both characters no?

You see the Shining I assume? - that captures madness and storytelling perfectly, its so beyond what this film did.
Ok, so here's my take on The Lighthouse - of course you would get different interpretations from a movie like this; It's nothing like The Shining, which is pretty straight forward in its story and meaning. An important thing to know about Robert Eggers is that he's pretty much obsessed with mythology. He's stated that in multiple interviews and just by watching The Witch that seems pretty clear, so you don't really have to read/watch any of his interviews to know how much of a deal it is to him.
I actually think you are taking The Lighthouse too literal; Now, this is definitely a movie you either love or hate and I think movies like those are awesome. There are movies I love which most people hate and the other way around - what I got from watching The Lighthouse is most likely very different than PegaSus, my dad or the girl next door. I'm a pretty avid reader of greek mythology and to me the whole story centers around the mythology of Prometheus and him stealing the fire from the gods. I don't want to write an entire analysis of the movie, but that's what I got from it and that's one of the main reasons why I love it.
As said before, this is a movie you'll either love or hate and I don't think you HAVE to know about Prometheus and greek mythology to love the movie, but I can definitely see people hating it if they take the store too literal. Another movie like that is A Field In England from 2013 by Ben Wheatley - A movie I LOVE analysing and looking for different clues and hints to support my overall theory about the story, but I also know it's a movie most people hate or find extremely uninteresting and that's fine.
Movies are not loved or hated by everyone and I'm pretty sure there are movies you hold in high regards which I find pretty dull/average/or even hate ;)


Nolan's Witness
Jul 14, 2020
285 Posts
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I'm not feeling it...

Have to say I'm not really impressed of that trailer indeed. Music was awful and just hope they won't turn it into an action blockbuster. Al though the director is someone I trust completely with it.

We'll see!


The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
1,474 Posts
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Have to say I'm not really impressed of that trailer indeed. Music was awful and just hope they won't turn it into an action blockbuster. Al though the director is someone I trust completely with it.

We'll see!
Villeneuve have never made a "Blockbuster" movie before and I'm 100% sure this won't be his first. He has always said the reason he became a movie director was to make Dune - it's his dream project.
Here's what I think; I think they made the trailer like this on purpose to create a blockbuster buzz for people who doesn't know about Dune. Remember the trailer for Blade Runner 2049? It was a pure Blade Runner'ish trailer almost made for people who know about Blade Runner. It was slow, mysterious and eerie, but what was the result of that? People actually thought it was an arthouse movie with no story or action, so it was a massive flop in the theaters. If they did the same thing with Dune, they would risk it all over again. Now, is that the right thing to do? My mindness is pretty clear; Create a trailer which shows what your movie is about and don't create false promises. This trailer almost makes it look like a blockbuster, but that's honestly mostly because of the choice of music imo. Just because something explodes in a trailer doesn't make it a "Blockbuster"-movie.
I 100% trust in Villeneuve and I think the last thing he will do is to force Dune into a crappy blockbuster just to make people watch it. Remember, Villeneuve didn't create/edit the trailer, the producers/marketing-team did and they want to create a buzz to earn those big bucks.