@Katadunkass Your TeneT review plz. You probably saw it by now?!
So yeah, got around to watch Tenet!
Good things:
I love the concept. You can say whatever you want about Nolan, but he is one of the most ambitious directors out there and you have to give him credit for that. This is an original concept and not a god damn remake / sequel / comic book-based movie and you could honestly feel that. This is a pure Nolan movie from start to finish.
The practical effects in it is mindblowing. Buying a plane just to blow it up is insane haha, and some of the actors in the movie actually practiced fighting in reverse to make it look real. It felt so real and awesome and especially the second half of the movie was fantastic.
The score was extremely interesting. Loved the reverse pads and pumping bass - you could actually tell it wasn't Zimmer who did the score, haha.
John David Washington was great in the movie with what he had to work with. I don't think he ever had to dig deep into his own emotions to play any of the scenes, which can be fine for a spy movie like this, but I wanted something more from his character.
Which, leads me to the not so good things about it
As I said before, the concept was awesome and so was the story he wanted to tell, but I don't think he told it THAT well. The first half of the movie jumped all over the place and we never got a connection to any of the characters nor locations. I honestly didn't know why I should care about 90% of the people in the movie because we don't know anything about them.
This is unfortunately what Nolan does in most of his movies; He's ambitious as hell and want to tell massive stories, but he forgets /overlooks the smaller details which makes you care about the characters. He tried going for it in Interstellar, but that didn't connect at all because of the whole "love can save everything"-bullshit. I don't think he's a good chacters-writer which shows in his latest movies.
All in all it never had a dull moment (which is pretty incredible) and I was entertained from start to finish. The concept was awesome and I especially loved the second half of the movie.