What's on your mind today?


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Which engine does it have? 2.3l EcoBoost, or the proper 5l V8 one?
2.3L eco boost, it was what they had available at that exact moment and that fit in my budget. I was going to get another Tesla, but the rental company didn't gave any in inventory, so I went with their competitors and got a big ass SUV then swapped it out 10 mins later for the Mustang

Edit: it still feels like a beast to be tamed! My favorite part is how the engine feels like a heartbeat. I've never driven a nice gas vehicle, so the Mustang is very different from the old Chevy economy car my family used to have (which is where I learned to drive)
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Don't do it. Pharmaceutical companies have endless money for lawsuits. They'll hire the best law firm in your area and take you to the cleaners, quite literally leaving you and your family homeless.

(I work at one)
They have lost quite a bit over the years though.



Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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My car is in the shop for some repairs, so my rental car for now is a......

Mother freaking FORD MUSTANG
I see them everywhere. I am amazed people are able to afford them considering how expensive everything is becoming.

In other news. Typical news of Russia typical :p
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Alright, so, before we start shouting *NEEERD* in here, let us just marvel at the sheer beauty of these amazing polydron's!
I've bought for a hundred dollars polydron's (lmao), so I could build ever single "strictly-convex deltahedra" - There are only 8 in existence and they are all made out of equilateral triangles and non of them share the same plane (Which is the definition of strictly-convex-deltahedra). From Left to right, we have:
#1: snub disphenoid (Best name ever)
#2: triaugmented triangular prism
#3: octahedron
#4: tetrahedron
#5: icosahedron
#6: triangular bipyramid
#7: pentagonal bipyramid
#8: gyroelongated square bipyramid

The back tower is the 5 platonic solids stacked on top of each other!


Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Alright, so, before we start shouting *NEEERD* in here, let us just marvel at the sheer beauty of these amazing polydron's!
I've bought for a hundred dollars polydron's (lmao), so I could build ever single "strictly-convex deltahedra" - There are only 8 in existence and they are all made out of equilateral triangles and non of them share the same plane (Which is the definition of strictly-convex-deltahedra). From Left to right, we have:
#1: snub disphenoid (Best name ever)
#2: triaugmented triangular prism
#3: octahedron
#4: tetrahedron
#5: icosahedron
#6: triangular bipyramid
#7: pentagonal bipyramid
#8: gyroelongated square bipyramid

The back tower is the 5 platonic solids stacked on top of each other!

View attachment 1680

Nice man!

I remember when i saw Rubick’s cubes of various different shapes. Kept staring at them thinking, wow what a wonderful angled thing. (I was very young- like 8 or something ) Can’t remember their exact shape name but there were some interesting ones. - just popped into my mind looking at your creations. You might not want to know the other thing that popped into my mind, although if i know you well enough, you might find it hilarious. - too scared to mention it tho😬

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
What are your plans for the weekend?
I might, for a change, spend some time with my DAW. 😄

Ha! Im considering spending time away from my DAW. I woke up at 4.30am worrying about something i did at work, something really not good. So i laid down for over an hr trying to sleep. Listened to dancing shadows at 5.30am then thought. Damn it im gonna do more in this now (best distraction i know is to write music) And. Gosh. Made some nice developments. (Just got to listen again and if im happy il post it on the thread).

Bank holiday weekend may involve a 🍺. And il go see the family.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
I believe i have finished a track! (minus some basic adjustments ) First trance track in 1 year. But perhaps you guys may feel work is still necessary. Certainly an achievement for me to get this far. Its made me hopeful and quite chuffed. Giving up specifically writing trance because i don’t finish tracks is something that occasionally crosses my mind. (more than occasionally if im honest) Arrangement i can honestly say is the best of my Trance tracks thus far. (I still will add a little intro sounds to sections but shouldn’t be a problem) Feel free to feedback at my thread. ‘Dancing in the Shadows’ and head to my latest comment/post where the latest version is. Any comments are welcome. Even if you think it’s Awful. ( because its only opinion)

ps. I own a machete 😬😜😁

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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Me & my wife just had a ten minute ‘catch up’ with a guy in the street. Id seen a guy I thought was a pal called Ben. I said, “Ben” as he walked past. He turned round, took his sun glasses off 👈 and said oh hi and told us about his Mum being ill and living in Brighton etc. Deb told him about our wedding etc. I ended the chat when I could.

We walked away and Deb said to me, who was that? I said “I haven’t a fucking clue’

It wasn’t Ben. (Not my mate Ben anyway 😆)
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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I didn't get the promotion that I thought I qualified for, so I started submitting applications at competitors to get promoted. I also expressed interest in switching departments to a role that would be a better fit for me (QA instead of Engineering).


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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I didn't get the promotion that I thought I qualified for, so I started submitting applications at competitors to get promoted. I also expressed interest in switching departments to a role that would be a better fit for me (QA instead of Engineering).
Same here man. I applied for a cybersecurity but got a generic response

Thank you for your interest in our Security Architect role here at x! After careful consideration and evaluation of all applications, we won't be progressing further with your application. We think you have some awesome skills and just because this opportunity didn't work out doesn't mean we can't stay in touch! You may be a great match for future roles and we recommend you stay connected through our Talent Community. To help with some great hiring tips and tricks, we have designed a candidate coach website just for you, where we share a wealth of info on all aspects of the recruitment process x Your experience as a candidate is important to us and we would love for you to complete our Candidate Experience Survey: x copy Users will need the authorization code "hrv7" to access the survey. Thanks again, and we look forward to staying in touch. Kind Regards,
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Music Producers:

FM8 synth by Native Instruments £10 - this used to be £130 ish ! Great old classic trance packs available to buy like adam szabo for £15

plus pick up for free Nuetron Elements by izotope. Worth £128 automatically finds appropriate settings of certain fx and can match it to a track in your daw or a separate song ( check it out but it might be fx settings & eq. If its eq then that’s fabulous)



Elite Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
Music Producers:

FM8 synth by Native Instruments £10 - this used to be £130 ish ! Great old classic trance packs available to buy like adam szabo for £15

plus pick up for free Nuetron Elements by izotope. Worth £128 automatically finds appropriate settings of certain fx and can match it to a track in your daw or a separate song ( check it out but it might be fx settings & eq. If its eq then that’s fabulous)

FM synthesis still feels like some sort of dark art to me. I can make basic sounds, percussive donk style basses and the like, but most of what I try to make on either FM8 or Abletons Operator just ends up sounding like synth sludge.


I should really make the effort to do a deep dive one day.

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
FM synthesis still feels like some sort of dark art to me. I can make basic sounds, percussive donk style basses and the like, but most of what I try to make on either FM8 or Abletons Operator just ends up sounding like synth sludge.


I should really make the effort to do a deep dive one day.

If I get a chance i will download it tomorrow. I love fm sounds and have vst synths with around 15 knobs to edit fm (Synapse Audio Dune 3). I can sometimes dial a knob or 2 and really like the harmonic sound it creates but won’t always know which knob to twist. It can be random.

Brian Eno once had 14 Yamaha DX7’s, many were modded by him. He modded 1 so much it basically broke. But anyone who edited sounds successfully on a dx7 must have a degree in maths i would imagine.

I have the free dx7 vst Dexed and haven’t been on it much but because i love fm synthesis ‘sounds’ im hoping a big brand fm synth might be slightly more intuitive. FM7 almost made me re-take up music about 15 years ago so seeing fm8 for £10 i had to buy it. At worst il use presets & get lucky tweaking a few knobs, at best il understand bits here and there and gradually find some favourite features. I hope it has some kind of conventional way of editing envelopes but for £10 im happy with whatever it can do.

If i get to understand it il send you a message but I feel it might take a while. Im also looking at getting some Rob Papen vsts just because they sound friggin awesome. Especially vecto which is a vector synthesis synth like my first ever synth I bought in 1993. Yamaha sy35. Its broken but i may fix or sell it. The Rob Papen vecto vst sounds quite similar to it which im really excited about. Just basically trying to work out the most cost effective way to get 3 or 4 rob papen things. I have basically worked out after 3 1/2 years what vsts and plugins i like and use most of the time. Many i have I hardly use, so am planning to sell on somewhere like kvr marketplace.
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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I am thinking of naming my label
euphoria what do you think? or classic euphoria/euphoric trance tranzmutate or transmutate
transmission or summer dance/summer trance summer euphoria classic asot trance. I might name it something other than on this label like Betelgeuse or Andromeda, Cygnus, Enceladus,Telesto (Tiesto???) Europa, Ganymede, Renaissance, EQ, these are the names so far some I might get sued :p


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I am thinking of naming my label
euphoria what do you think? or classic euphoria/euphoric trance tranzmutate or transmutate
transmission or summer dance/summer trance summer euphoria classic asot trance. I might name it something other than on this label like Betelgeuse or Andromeda, Cygnus, Enceladus,Telesto (Tiesto???) Europa, Ganymede, Renaissance, EQ, these are the names so far some I might get sued :p
Progrez is actually a good name if you ask me…

(or progrecz)