I’d say then that the root of the problem is whatever’s driving the neurotic states to begin with, because eliminating that will allow the individual to handle or mitigate the external factors which become stressors. Not just ideological but the various economical and social ones too.
eh..I never argued that it wasn’t. what I argued was that is
not helpfull to have a very resentfull and dominating cultural layer present.
Do you think it
is helpful?
And we already know so many of the drivers behind neurotic states, it’s extensive and well studied. There’s clear things to focus on and that would have a great effect on young men's happiness, not just young white males, but males and females in general. Real small things that could make a huge difference.
yes I whole heartily agree. And one of those drivers, is as we agreed upon earlier in this thread, an unreasonable set of expectations placed on an individual by (part of) society and its main ideological force. Whether that be religious conversion therapy for gays or the constant western-white-man-satan-do-better rethorik by woke culture.
now its not the only one, and I never said it was. but its a bit like climate change. yes the anthropogenic exhaust pales in comparison to what say...axial tilt and solar activity can muster, but its, especially in this day and age. Still a relevant factor and whats more and increasing one. hence its a good idea to adress it, forthrightly.
In contrast we don’t have any quantifiable indication of what woke cultures effects are. It’s even hard to define what woke means. Ask the random people off the street and they will give you different definitions.
Accenine argument. you can make exactly one similar about Islam, or religious fundamentalism and the aforementioned gay conversion therapy if you where say, a Mormon apologist.
“well our doctrine is not exactly measurable in a lab or quantifiable and people are different therefor haha. “
Yeah. No
Remember the whole reason you started this thread was because you were putting woke culture on this pedal-stool, making it the culprit of white male depression.
no, the whole reason I started this thread is because you specifically, got extremely defensive óf woke culture and indignant over me saying something as simple as: “it doesn't help if everything you do or don't do is deemed "toxic" by a certain ideology that has dominated the institutions for the last 30 years.” As part of a quicky multi analysis/oppinion on why suicides rates for men are higher then for women.
I know right? How dare I suggest that that might not be helpful.
You’re arguing that its so bad that it’s worth of more attention than the long list of other factors that drives depression and anxiety, ones which in my mind are obviously more pervasive, understood and all encompassing when compared to the relatively small list of woke scenarios you’ve described (which from my own experiences discount heavily). If the approach is to be completely pragmatic, reducing depression in as much people as possible, in the most effective ways, how can the claims that woke culture is one of the fundamental problems be taken seriously? And in a way that doesn’t feel like it’s been derived from idealogical tribalism, rather than evidence, pragmatism and genuine concern for the depressed.
I never argued that it’s
the fundamental problem, I said it doesn’t help. and I think I’ve sufficiently backed up WHY I think it doesn’t help and I didn’t do so with “ideological tribalism” as opposed to evidence.
What you need to ask yourself is why
you got so emotionally invested and tribalistic in defending woke culture and its resentfull doctrines over such a small and mundaine sentence, And if you would have done so had the topic been about any other ideological or religious drive on society or part of society? I've noticed you keep bringing up "tribalism" in these kind of debates and i'm seriously suspecting projection atm.
A nice example would be the politicians in the UK who have taken to twitter to lambast wokeness, yet push policy that heavily cuts funding into mental health and social care. What’s going to impact mens heath more, available services that support them or attacking wokeness on the social soap opera?
yep, and on the other side of the twitter isle you have people allegedly being all concerned and empathetic about mental health issues and “equality”whilst at the same time partaking in mass-demonization of one particular race and sex subset. Politicians, left or right, are by enlarge hypocrites.
So what? I’m not a UK politician and neither are you at least by my knowledge and I think its us having the conversation here, not them.