Released: 03 July 2017 (Beatport) | 17 July 2017 (Other stores)
Label: Forescape Digital
Cat#: FOR020
Original Mix
The Digital Blonde Remix
You Are My Salvation Remix
I was under the impression that somebody had posted this already, but I must've thought about old TF...
I’m a sucker for @facade1984’s style, so his new single on Forescape (@Enlusion) is a must-check! ❤️
More to hear on last Forescape Radio (since 29:42):
Oh, it’s a really surprising and good signature on @Enlusion’s Forescape :)
Jurij had a release on JOOF in 2017 but - as I see - he’s mostly focused on releasing music by his own :) These may be some really good tracks ✌️
This was the most challenging remix ever to produce for me. I wanted to move the original towards the darker territory and still compliment the author's ideas. Quite versatile and interesting production and I'm very proud of it!
This is the first track I signed via Label Radar. Happy to release more music from Australia, this time from a duo called Filth & Pleasure (what an artist name!).
I went towards the classic mid 00's Coldharbour sound with my remix and I believe that I nailed it.
I'm personally proud of this release. Original is one of my favorite tracks of the year and these remixes are just amazing, everybody added something fresh.
Next up on Forescape is my collaboration with the Ukrainian artist Soundbreeze. Alex has been doing the mastering for 99% of label's releases since day 1 and helped me to significantly improve my production and mixing skills through the years. We finally got together to produce this Deep Trance...