AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

Julian Del Agranda

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You also seem to know on their behalf.
Thumps up much.

there is no hate from my side. Just concerns. What’s wrong with that?

you point fingers instantly, might be even worse in my books tbh.
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Julian Del Agranda

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Your woke attitude suggests you speak on behalf of any minority.
Your way of thinking is the only right one. That’s how you (always) come across.

And again, I am simply raising concerns. I doubt that 100% of the youth that call themselves trans, are actually trans.

Why is that bad? I’m afraid a little (?) percentage of this group is just mentally unstable and not trans. They should focus on their own wellbeing, and if THEN they calmly say they are trans, it’s all good. Everyone can be trans if they feel like it, who cares? I don’t.

But some people seem to be in a very chaotic state of life. If then you say your non-binary or whatever, it comes across unstable.

I just have concerns about a percentage of this group.

I mean, it’s exactly the same as all the teenage girls you put fillers in their lips. I raise questions about that too.

Hot Tuna

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I believe there is an active member of this forum who has mentioned they have a trans daughter. I suggest you debate with them the next time you get the opportunity if you're really interested in learning anything about it from someone with a bit more insight. But I expect you will prefer to stick to your dull armchair psychology.
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there are just two types of people - when you see wrong shit and everyone keeps telling you it's right, some will float like a pile of crap in a river just wherever it flows and others will stand by their views realizing those who are calling black 'white' are probably doing that for a reason.

not even mentioning how democratic and free of speech (i know these are empty words for real, just always funny to see the hypocrisy) are the repressions towards those who won't agree, definitely a sign of 'truth' yeah
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If we can move away from the transphobic off-topic stuff that would be grand. 🤨

Anyway, I've been playing around with Udio myself and it's pretty crazy how far this tech has come.
It still has a ways to go. Everything sounds a bit like a low quality mp3 and anything with normal vocals always ends up sounding like a parody track.
I've made a few rock tracks and they all seem to end up sounding like Weird Al or Jack Black :ROFLMAO:
No doubt they'll iron that out at some point soon.

This could genuinely cause problems though. We'll see a lot of problems with fakery in electronic music in general, but if you're a smaller producer that specialises in incidental music or soundtracks for indie movies or games, I'd be really worried.

Here's some trailer music for a space-opera style movie that took me about 10 mins to prompt the AI to generate and extend.


Bare in mind, as they say, this is the worst AI music is going to sound, it can only improve from here...


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If we can move away from the transphobic off-topic stuff that would be grand. 🤨

Anyway, I've been playing around with Udio myself and it's pretty crazy how far this tech has come.
It still has a ways to go. Everything sounds a bit like a low quality mp3 and anything with normal vocals always ends up sounding like a parody track.
I've made a few rock tracks and they all seem to end up sounding like Weird Al or Jack Black :ROFLMAO:
No doubt they'll iron that out at some point soon.

This could genuinely cause problems though. We'll see a lot of problems with fakery in electronic music in general, but if you're a smaller producer that specialises in incidental music or soundtracks for indie movies or games, I'd be really worried.

Here's some trailer music for a space-opera style movie that took me about 10 mins to prompt the AI to generate and extend.


Bare in mind, as they say, this is the worst AI music is going to sound, it can only improve from here...

Thats just crazy - does anyone think this AI music explosion is going to ruin it for existing producers in years to come? You can see soon that Beatport will be full of AI tracks - when it is even more advanced,people are going to be able to make pretty decent trance tracks - and then send to decent labels and get a release. How will the label know if its AI or not? For me this future isnt great at all.
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Hot Tuna

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Bare in mind, as they say, this is the worst AI music is going to sound, it can only improve from here...

Can it though? This relies on the science, mathematics and energy resources underpinning this technology developing further and do we really know what stage of development those are at?

Look at how things like Metaverse, VR, crypto, blockchain, electric vehicles, Google glass, 3D TVs, 3D movies... and so on have stalled or begun to fall out of favour after an initial burst of accelerated development/hype. The public eventually catch on that it's not living up to expectations.

This technology relies so much on its training data. There are already counter-AI products emerging such as Nightshade, an app that can apply an invisible data layer to digital artwork that will 'poison' an AI network into thinking it is an image of something different. If more of these emerge, it will probably force through stricter regulation that protects artists that don't want to have their work scraped for AI training, and should (but won't) pay some kind of royalties to artists who 'opt in'.

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If we can move away from the trans off-topic stuff that would be grand. 🤨
Agreed with a fixed

Transphobia as a term is, especially in the context of this “discussion” a misnomer deliberately coined by (brainwashed) ideologues akin to a fundamentalist Christian yelling “heretic” to anyone questioning the divinity of Christ.

As if any question regarding a claim in diametrical opposition to known human-biology is “an irrational fear”.

its not.

In the same way that questioning the reality/ claim of someone who, in his mind/lived experience, is wholly convinced is Napoleon is “francophobic”


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Dec 5, 2020
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Once again, to drag this thread back on topic from more tedious pontifications....

Thats just crazy - does anyone think this AI music explosion is going to ruin it for existing producers in years to come? You can see soon that Beatport will be full of AI tracks - when it is even more advanced,people are going to be able to make pretty decent trance tracks - and then send to decent labels and get a release. How will the label know if its AI or not? For me this future isnt great at all.

Beatport is already overloaded with trash, seeing as anyone (like me :ROFLMAO:) can upload their own music as it is with zero quality filtering.

Labels will have a big problem on their hands sorting through all this, especially if/when the AI gen stuff starts getting really high quality.
That's if they even want to.

The genie is somewhat already out of the bottle and it's not a black and white issue.
It's similar to the debate about using premade midi packs, templates, sound banks and sample packs.
I've always been of the opinion that these, if used as a tool and not a crutch are not always a bad thing in isolation, but there's always going to be those who'll use them as a crutch, especially the "fake it til you make it" types. The 'NotLo' controversy recently springs to mind

It raises the question of 'at what point is the song no longer an original work'?

If you use AI to generate parts of the song for you, like a drum break, maybe a massive sounding choir (like the one I posted above) is that cheating?
What if you dictate the AI choir on what chords to sing? Is that any different than having a very realistic sounding Kontakt library at that point? Where is the line exactly?

I guess we'll find out sooner rather than later.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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West Yorkshire,England
Once again, to drag this thread back on topic from more tedious pontifications....

Beatport is already overloaded with trash, seeing as anyone (like me :ROFLMAO:) can upload their own music as it is with zero quality filtering.

Labels will have a big problem on their hands sorting through all this, especially if/when the AI gen stuff starts getting really high quality.
That's if they even want to.

The genie is somewhat already out of the bottle and it's not a black and white issue.
It's similar to the debate about using premade midi packs, templates, sound banks and sample packs.
I've always been of the opinion that these, if used as a tool and not a crutch are not always a bad thing in isolation, but there's always going to be those who'll use them as a crutch, especially the "fake it til you make it" types. The 'NotLo' controversy recently springs to mind

It raises the question of 'at what point is the song no longer an original work'?

If you use AI to generate parts of the song for you, like a drum break, maybe a massive sounding choir (like the one I posted above) is that cheating?
What if you dictate the AI choir on what chords to sing? Is that any different than having a very realistic sounding Kontakt library at that point? Where is the line exactly?

I guess we'll find out sooner rather than later.

Well,pressing a button and generating a whole track is a lot different from using a sample pack. If you start from scratch with an empty DAW screen,thats an original work for me. Even using some choir samples you ripped from somewhere. Stuff like Church Of Ra did that..


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I think there will, regardless of what, how good and how often AI can churn out stuff, always be a niche for “authentic human music” in he same way that there is still a demand for arts and craft products despite what the overall manufacturing industry can churn out nowadays.

the question then becomes one of how to tell if something is authentic, which is fairly easily solved by proper labelling, blockchain or any other method like NFT’s
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Hot Tuna

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Except not "agreed" if you then immediately go on to add your own stupid, baseless thoughts.

Comparing being transgender - something with decades of peer-reviewed scientific research and thousands of actual, living, happy transgender people as evidence - to the belief of being the reincarnation of a specific historical figure is every bit as insulting/dickish as the removed comment.


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Except not "agreed" if you then immediately go on to add your own stupid, baseless thoughts.

Comparing being transgender - something with decades of peer-reviewed scientific research and thousands of actual, living, happy transgender people as evidence - to the belief of being the reincarnation of a specific historical figure is every bit as insulting/dickish as the removed comment.
that's sick and wrong - not the fact some humans being gay or bi (that's a common thing with lots of other advanced lifeforms), but how it's gets aggressively propagated to be just as normal as what's actually normal. how young people get encouraged to go for that, mostly because of the trends and the cultural agenda. and the 'science' behind it is mostly biased pre-paid fake needed for pseudo politicians to keep pushing this bullshit

what's the real reason behind it? simple af, if you have some sane mind - to create as much minorities, no matter what kind - sexual, ethnical, fuckwhat else, as possible. to make everyone living in his own minority and 'fight' with the others, to atomize society to the max and make sure people won't ever unite against those who are making money from them

and it's funny how it triggers clueless idealistic people
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Jul 17, 2020
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Except not "agreed" if you then immediately go on to add your own stupid, baseless thoughts.

Comparing being transgender - something with decades of peer-reviewed scientific research and thousands of actual, living, happy transgender people as evidence - to the belief of being the reincarnation of a specific historical figure is every bit as insulting/dickish as the removed comment.
You know, I’m really beginning to regret my New Year’s resolution of resetting all my online blocks.

after that last whiny “but muh non-existent wahmen!” kill joy comment of yours. I thought maybe he just has a bad day.

but no, this is just you, all the fucking time apparently. 🤷‍♂️ Isn’t it? A walking corbynista/kahn pamflet with 0 original thought.

So let me, for this once, mansplain this to you so that you might learn something. After this I will (again) simply be ignoring you and if you keep pestering and yelping for my attention again I will simply block you. You are a waste of my time when it comes to these matters.

lets do this:

When I typed the word “Agreed” I agreed with Lost Legends sentiment to move on since it’s off-topic, and that sentiment alone.

When I said “fixed” thereafter,
was referring to transphobia being a massive misnomer.

which it fucking is.

And you can whine, moan, cry and refer to non-existent “muh science, muh experts” till the pigs fly Hot Tuna..(as if there is an actually something like a valid mass- peer-reviewed scientific article on the semantics of the word “transphobia” out there, lol)

you’re not going to get a pin between that logic no matter how desperately bad your static right cerebral hemisphere wants too.

It ís a misnomer, if there is no actual irrational fear or panic involved. And “agreed” and “fixed” refer to two different things and can, as such, perfectly and without contradiction co-exist.


Go screech about it.
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Oct 5, 2023
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does anyone know of any nice dreamy female “ethereal” AI vox generator or plug-in or website?

currently working on something and my wife keeps saying she’s busy
wouldn't it be easier to go for some actual professional vocal samples? some packs from Laniakea have great spacious vocal atmospheres, alternatively grab one of Sarah de Warren vocal packs and put a big reverb over something from it that fits, lush sounding vocal ambiance guaranteed :)
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Jul 17, 2020
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wouldn't it be easier to go for some actual professional vocal samples? some packs from Laniakea have great spacious vocal atmospheres, alternatively grab one of Sarah de Warren vocal packs and put a big reverb over something from it that fits, lush sounding vocal ambiance guaranteed :)
Thing is I want it to sing a certain phrase, I can do the initial singing myself (despite the fact that no-one in their right mind would want that in a production heh). But ideally I’d then have some tool which can turn that into a (nice) female vox