Conservative or liberal (politics)


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Had he posted this half a year back the result would probably be a resounding 99% no.. but given the recent developments i'm curious to see the outcome of that. could go either way me thinks. AFAIK he hasn't fully solved the bot problem but then again the amount of user exodus on the platform is disproportional to the increase in users. Basically more people are returning/signing up as opposed to leaving and a lot of that is previously banned (conservative right leaning)

well c...
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Had he posted this half a year back the result would probably be a resounding 99% no.. but given the recent developments i'm curious to see the outcome of that. could go either way me thinks. AFAIK he hasn't fully solved the bot problem but then again the amount of user exodus on the platform is disproportional to the increase in users. Basically more people are returning/signing up as opposed to leaving and a lot of that is previously banned (conservative right leaning)

well c...
Looks like it was a lot closer than I thought. I am surprised by the change of heart. Only 15 million people voted out of a possible 300 million twitter users.



Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Looks like it was a lot closer than I thought. I am surprised by the change of heart. Only 15 million people voted out of a possible 300 million twitter users.

twitter is imploding, literally only staffed by H1B visa holders, and this is what he cares about


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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twitter is imploding, literally only staffed by H1B visa holders, and this is what he cares about
They are literally going to burn out one of these days but I've seen some people excel in those conditions.


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Be interresting to see if he can pull a Grover, i doubt it, but we'll c, The editing on that music video is spot on at least^


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Jul 17, 2020
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Guelph, Ont, Canada
It's amazing how Trump is not in prison and yet....

Why isn’t Donald Trump about to be jailed for his criminal behaviour?

The television broadcasting of the select congressional committee hearings on the January 6 Capitol riot confirms what we already knew, though with a lot of gory details added. Donald Trump is a criminal to a degree that deserves greater punishment than what a house thief or even a bank robber gets. After all, he committed sedition which will get you the death penalty or life in jail in many parts of the world.

But we know that the leaders of the Democratic Party don’t want to deal a fatal blow to the right-wing politicians of the Republican Party, because their strength bolsters the claim of centrists of being the true defenders of the non-privileged as well as of racial justice. That way the centrists appear to hold the moral high ground while furthering the interests of their corporate backers. They uphold progressive ideals rhetorically but end up watering down electoral promises in order to reach agreements with their colleagues across the aisle. For that reason, the centrists have always treated the right and the Republicans in general with kid gloves.

If leftists were to do half of what Trump and his cohorts and backers have done they would have been locked up from the very start. Just take the use of arms by rightists in the name of the Second Amendment. When the Black Panthers defended the same right, they were hounded by the FBI and many of their members received life-long prison sentences or were murdered as in the case of Fred Hampton.

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, any illusion that he may have been a truly progressive president was shattered at the outset when he harped on “reaching across the aisle” and “consensus politics” and began the “kid gloves” treatment. He could have taken advantage of the honeymoon of his early months in office by going after Dick Cheney and others in the Bush administration for their admitted use of torture and defense of it. Public opinion at the time would have approved of a full investigation into black sites and waterboarding. The results would have been devastating to the Republican Party. Instead, Obama revealed that he didn’t want to “look backward” and so, in effect, let Cheney and company off the hook. Some argued that such lenience was a mistake because the right quickly recovered and then went on to sabotage all of Obama’s initiatives. But it wasn’t a mistake. It’s been the Democratic Party strategy all along.

That strategy dates back to 1876 when the northern liberal Rutherford Hayes (the “liberals” were then the Republicans) cut a deal with the ex-slave holding southerners whereby institutional racism known as Jim Crow became the law of the land in the south. In the twentieth century the Democratic Party centrists of the north accepted the racist practices of their southern party companions who, due to voter suppression in the south, achieved seniority in Congress and with it the chairmanships of key congressional committees. Thus southern Jim Crow was tolerated and in return the Democrats counted on all those electoral college votes in presidential elections. Furthermore, the northern Democrats accepted (just as they do today) undemocratic practices in the south and elsewhere under the guise of respecting “state rights,” which allegedly is what “democracy” is all about.

On appearance, the Democrats are going after Trump and are outraged by what happened on January 6. But there is a limit to what they are willing to do to right the wrong. The Democrats would much prefer to tolerate rightists, no matter how outrageous their actions are, than to clobber the right and run the risk of permitting the emergence of a leftist pole in US politics that would fill the gap. Not only do Democratic leaders prefer it. So do their corporate backers.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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^ that article made me dumber in ways I can't comprehend
It's not the democrats' fault that Trump isn't in prison, lmao
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Jul 17, 2020
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😄 That whole article, and the cope-planation as to "but its the right! no, no its the dems! but why then?" can be summerized with 1 very short clip, containing 1 key-word: 😄

And for those who're still missing it, the clue is in the word provable

agreed with dmgtz96...This has nothing to do with the Democrats alleged ineptetude, or the right allegedly "protecting him" (which they're not, plenty anti-trump reps/backstabbers, a lot of them key witnesses in the meriad of cases against him) or any other sort politics for that matter.

Basically, the man has to:

1, have done something actually criminal under US Law
2, its opposition has to actually have credible evidence to present for that

and its that simple 🤷‍♂️
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Joe Biden wants to ban assault weapons (i.e. guns) by the end of the year.
Respectfully, this is going to blow up in his face and will only mobilize Republicans just like the repeal of Roe did for Democrats.
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Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Joe Biden wants to ban assault weapons (i.e. guns) by the end of the year.
Respectfully, this is going to blow up in his face and will only mobilize Republicans just like the repeal of Roe did for Democrats.
not only that, it, just like Obama's announchement, is going to cause huge gun sales. You'd though they'd learned that the previous time.

Then again, its not like the upper echelon of the democrats have not been heavily involved in the US weapons industry or anything so. 🤷‍♀️ who knows, maybe the know exactly what they're doing.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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not only that, it, just like Obama's announchement, is going to cause huge gun sales. You'd though they'd learned that the previous time.

Then again, its not like the upper echelon of the democrats have not been heavily involved in the US weapons industry or anything so. 🤷‍♀️ who knows, maybe the know exactly what they're doing.
Nah, as with all bans, minorities will be the ones disproportionately affected. They really don't know what they are doing (unless Biden and the elite democrats are actually targeting minorities)


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Joe Biden wants to ban assault weapons (i.e. guns) by the end of the year.
Respectfully, this is going to blow up in his face and will only mobilize Republicans just like the repeal of Roe did for Democrats.
They've banned guns here in Australia and this country is just fine. Australia is one of only handful of country to not have any Nuclear Weapons.

Nah seriously, there are far too many gun attacks in the US. I would welcome that law change I know some people are so religious about the constitution those people need to go to a mental institution.


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Mental issues is precisely (one) of the problems. Swiss is as liberal on gun possession as the us yet the amount of shootings is even less then in Denmark. The us problem isn’t gun possession, the problem is with its institutions (healthcare/education/ family support etc)
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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A complete ban on guns in the US isn't going to work because gun ownership is embedded as a right.
Beto O'Rourke declared that he would "take away people's guns" after the 2019 El Paso shooting against Mexicans/Mexican-Americans, and he still lost this cycle in Uvalde (of all places). Americans love their guns, and if you don't want to fall behind as a minority you pretty much *have* to own guns and know how to use them.

edit: this is probably my most conservative opinion. In a bigoted society like the US, the only way for minorities (racial, sexual, or else) to fight back against bigotry is with their same tactics. After all, even gun-toting Texans are scared when armed groups show up to protect drag queen events. In a society where an innocent Black man gets killed by the police (George Floyd) just for being black, gun ownership is especially important for Black Americans. It's the only form of protection we as minorities get, because we can't even trust the police or the institutions around us.
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