I actually didn't know about that.
Hmm, ok. I've seen conservative people have a similar take, when they were obviously prejudiced against in the past but now later in life they judge those who are trying to advocate against prejudice, which is an interesting dilemma
I’m not judging you for advocating against prejudice or racism. I’m judging you and/or the movement you’re a part of for being:
1 inconsistent, especially on the front of lived experience
2 exhaserbating the problem. By seeing racism everywhere and deeming everything racist no matter how minute or common you make actual racism part of that normalisation
you decrease its severity and you shouldn’t
Let's step back to ~March 2020, and for the sake of argument let's say Trump was right about the COVID lab leak theory (which hasn't been proven true). You would agree in that it's not OK to be prejudiced against the Chinese and Asian-Americans, correct? Even if the virus did leak from China,
Sort of correct. In the early onset of COVID I don’t count cancelling flights or other transports coming in from the virus’s hotspot/origin as being inherently prejudiced.. it’s just common sense in the name of containment. Same as how, when you’re sick in the hospital, you’re not allowed in certain areas or code-rooms
there's no reason to turn away customers who just look "Chinese," correct?
I can think of one good reason: they’ve just landed and midair the ban on Chinese flights took effect. There aren’t any effective tests or treatments available yet..and you not only have yourself but a load of other customers to protect.
it also a reason that has nothing to do with racism or them being Chinese or not.
had the virus originated in say: Minsk, then US restaurant or store owners, especially in the facinity of an international airport would have I think have equally just reason to, for the time being, give my wife that treatment, even though she’s no Belarus
it was screamed down every corner and on every media outlet. “World Wide Pandemic” Like, ofcourse people are going to react scared especially in the beginning of that.. that’s not racism, thats just being human.
There's no reason to stare weirdly at a "Chinese"-looking Asian American who just coughed in the subway?
During the early onset of COVID and given the panic sown there was sufficient reason to “stare wierdly” or with suspicion towards
anyone with a cough in a public place.
Heck, I got that stare even when masked up.
There's no reason to beat up a Chinese-looking person just because they look Chinese, even though COVID was leaked from a lab in China. Correct?
This is the only one on which I’ll go

Correct, there’s no reason to beat up anyone just for how they look or any other superfluous reason like say: voting behaviour full stop. Especially during a pandemic because the culprits just increased their carrier/ infection rate.
I also don’t think this has anything to do with whether or not the virus was lab-leaked or wet-marketed
assholes who engage in that sort of behaviour don’t need an actual reason. They will
make up one, and proceed regardless. Had it not been covid it would have been “hey rice picker, you looked at my sister the wrong way”