Covid and vaccines and whatnot


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Some information surfaced recently, he apparently used a positive PCR test dating December 16th as a medical reason to not vaccinate himself. He was apparently misled by the AO organization, believing it was enough to enter the country.

In a typical Djokovic fashion, on December 17th it seemed like he was attending some media events, some of which included delivering gifts to children.


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Some information surfaced recently, he apparently used a positive PCR test dating December 16th as a medical reason to not vaccinate himself. He was apparently misled by the AO organization, believing it was enough to enter the country.
It's the equivalent of getting a doctor's note from a sketchy doctor.
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Julian Del Agranda

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16th tested, 17th with people?

maybe he didn’t have the result yet? Here in NL it may take a day or two before you know the result.

so in such scenario it’s perfectly normal to be outside on the 17th, granted he had no symptoms…
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Jul 17, 2020
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Why make Djokovic a badguy when nobody cares about that. We call it selectieve verontwaardiging in Dutch.

you could also call it "being made an example out of" Not in line with the vaccination narrative? this is how we'll treat you, and if we can do it to Djokovic, we can do it to you.

Also remember you're talking about a country that isn't just a former prisoner colony. Its also a former prison-guard colony. I mean they have literal covid concentration camps going on.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Also remember you're talking about a country that isn't just a former prisoner colony. Its also a former prison-guard colony. I mean they have literal covid concentration camps going on.
yep, I don't know much about the situation in Australia, but my impression from the reddit comments is that people have been locked down for the past ~2 years, and many have been unable to see their families since the pandemic started. So, yeah, naturally people will be pissed that a rich foreign unvaxxed national gets to enter the country.

Again, Djokovic is not entitled to enter the country, regardless of how good he is as an athlete or how wealthy he is.

We can only wait to see what happens until tomorrow after his visa hearing. If he is allowed to stay in the country, the media will have to accept that they fucked up and gave his case too much unneeded attention. If his visa is rejected, he will have his tail between his legs and will need to get the fuck out of Australia (which is well within the right of Australia).

you could also call it "being made an example out of" Not in line with the vaccination narrative? this is how we'll treat you, and if we can do it to Djokovic, we can do it to you.
If the Australian government doesn't make an example out of him, they will end up looking like a bunch of wusses
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Br8k L3gnd

yep, I don't know much about the situation in Australia, but my impression from the reddit comments is that people have been locked down for the past ~2 years, and many have been unable to see their families since the pandemic started. So, yeah, naturally people will be pissed that a rich foreign unvaxxed national gets to enter the country.

Again, Djokovic is not entitled to enter the country, regardless of how good he is as an athlete or how wealthy he is.

We can only wait to see what happens until tomorrow after his visa hearing. If he is allowed to stay in the country, the media will have to accept that they fucked up and gave his case too much unneeded attention. If his visa is rejected, he will have his tail between his legs and will need to get the fuck out of Australia (which is well within the right of Australia).

If the Australian government doesn't make an example out of him, they will end up looking like a bunch of wusses
I find this stance odd as the USA has open borders. Its odd to think a single man cannot enter a country, but thousands can. I know AU is not USA and thank god. They not looking good with their internment camps and what not.

I get your point though. If I were him, I wouldnt even try to play there.
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Again, Djokovic is not entitled to enter the country, regardless of how good he is as an athlete or how wealthy he is.

We can only wait to see what happens until tomorrow after his visa hearing. If he is allowed to stay in the country, the media will have to accept that they fucked up and gave his case too much unneeded attention. If his visa is rejected, he will have his tail between his legs and will need to get the fuck out of Australia (which is well within the right of Australia).

the reference was the concentration camps. not wether or not a tennis player can enter

And I fully agree with @Br8k L3gnd on this.

I find it to be a completely untenable and frankly evil position to hold frankly.

Violate your body against your will for the sake of “the greater good” or be gulag’ed.

It continues to amaze me how quickly self proclaimed “good” people holding this stance casually throw away concepts like Human Rights out of the window for the sake of the group. I wonder if the same set will just as casually throw away the concept like the right to abortion when it suits them.

Society is below the reproduction curve comrade. So Either deliver the baby, or get locked up.

Bodily autonomy as universal human right is sacrosanct, Full stop.

And if you’re in favor of that and against things like coerced or forced sterilization, pregnancy, genital mutilation and surgery “for the sake of the tribe”, you cannot in good conscious support coerced or forced vaccination without wielding a massive dual standard/ being a sickning little hypocrite.
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I find this stance odd as the USA has open borders. Its odd to think a single man cannot enter a country, but thousands can. I know AU is not USA and thank god. They not looking good with their internment camps and what not.

I get your point though. If I were him, I wouldnt even try to play there.
Yep, though I will say that the US-Mexico border was closed for land crossings until very recently.
I agree. Djokovic wouldn't have had any issues with most other countries, but Australia specifically has used draconian measures.
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Br8k L3gnd

Yep, though I will say that the US-Mexico border was closed for land crossings until very recently.
I agree. Djokovic wouldn't have had any issues with most other countries, but Australia specifically has used draconian measures.
Everytime I see a video of officers going around checking papers. it pisses me off.
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It continues to amaze me how quickly self proclaimed “good” people holding this stance casually throw away concepts like Human Rights out of the window for the sake of the group. I wonder if the same set will just as casually throw away the concept like the right to abortion when it suits them.

Society is below the reproduction curve comrade. So Either deliver the baby, or get locked up.

Bodily autonomy as universal human right is sacrosanct, Full stop.

And if you’re in favor of that and against things like coerced or forced sterilization, pregnancy, genital mutilation and surgery “for the sake of the tribe”, you cannot in good conscious support coerced or forced vaccination without wielding a massive dual standard/ being a sickning little hypocrite.
No one is putting a gun to Djokovic's head so he gets the vaccine. If he wants to be unvaxx, he can freely do so in Serbia or any of the other countries that welcome antivaxxers, so most of the world except for Australia and maybe Taiwan.


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Jul 17, 2020
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No one is putting a gun to Djokovic's head so he gets the vaccine. If he wants to be unvaxx, he can freely do so in Serbia or any of the other countries that welcome antivaxxers, so most of the world except for Australia and maybe Taiwan.
No they're " just " throwing people who arent'Djokovic in concentration camps.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Ultimately, in Djokovic's case, he doesn't have to vaccinate himself if he does not wish to do so - but he should face the consequences for his choices. In Australia, that might mean deportation. Boo fucking hoo - that's the problem the Australians need to solve themselves, we're quite free here due to a number of different circumstances (including politics, but opposite to Australia's situation).

I'm honestly quite surprised that he didn't pay a doctor off for spilling 2 doses of Pfizer into the sink and giving him the certificate. I'm sure lesser men here have done that.


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No they're " just " throwing people who arent'Djokovic in concentration camps.
I would 100% support an extensive investigation into these concentration camps. If they are indeed violating human rights, then yeah let's put the people in charge in jail.

Ultimately, in Djokovic's case, he doesn't have to vaccinate himself if he does not wish to do so - but he should face the consequences for his choices. In Australia, that might mean deportation. Boo fucking hoo - that's the problem the Australians need to solve themselves, we're quite free here due to a number of different circumstances (including politics, but opposite to Australia's situation).

I'm honestly quite surprised that he didn't pay a doctor off for spilling 2 doses of Pfizer into the sink and giving him the certificate. I'm sure lesser men here have done that.
Australia is not normal, and many other countries would welcome him with open arms including the US and Mexico. Djokovic wouldn't even need to show a vaccination card if he enters the US from Mexico by land; he could just walk or drive through with no issues.
I feel like faking a vaccination card defeats the purpose of his antivaxx stance. Yeah, he could have done this, but it's like submitting to authority. His stance wouldn't feel authentic.
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Jul 17, 2020
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anti woke is a compliment

Let's not put a "pro" or "anti" stamp on each other too quickly.

let me guess, User Hot Tuna?

The man is a willfully dishonest actor in these debates who considers CTR is "centrist" and more disfigured children with gender disphoria "sounds pretty great" He's also very salty that I won't take his word as such on the state of college campuses all across the western hemisphere. Asking him if he's every encountered anything far left in his area is like asking a mobster if he's every encountered blackmail in the local shop group.

Don't waste your time arguing with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat your with experience.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Ultimately, in Djokovic's case, he doesn't have to vaccinate himself if he does not wish to do so - but he should face the consequences for his choices. In Australia, that might mean deportation. Boo fucking hoo - that's the problem the Australians need to solve themselves, we're quite free here due to a number of different circumstances (including politics, but opposite to Australia's situation).

I'm honestly quite surprised that he didn't pay a doctor off for spilling 2 doses of Pfizer into the sink and giving him the certificate. I'm sure lesser men here have done that.
Good to hear things are somewhat normal over there, same here in NL, but everything about this whole Djokovic case smells like a setup to "teach him a lesson" especially considering what you put at the end. The man followed protocol afaik and the feds kicked him out last minute anyway Could be an honest mistake, But it looks a hell of lot more like a political stunt to me.

As for consequences, Depends. there's a very big grey area between, "you're getting a flight back" which you know, fair enough. and maffiozi practices of "well hey my friend, you can ofcourse always refuse "insurance" but the consequences might be dire nod nod wink wink e.a. imprisonment in this case., to stick with the analogy.

Coersion is also included in said human right. At least in the European Convention on Human Rights
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