Senior Member
- Jul 19, 2022
- 432 Posts
- 597 Thanked
Haha I added one more purchaseThank you guys! There are more positive comments here than the number of downloads on Beatport so far, hopefully this will change during the week!
A couple thoughts: I rarely buy music off Beatport these days, preferring to purchase on Bandcamp. I miss Forescape on BC to be honest. I'm almost allergic to Beatport, and I spend at least $50 a month on tracks. Second, Forescape is one of the few labels putting out interesting tracks at this BPM in this style. I mentioned above that I could weave this type of track in to a more modern trancey underground set adjacent to something like Bliss Inc, Reflex Blue, Jeku, etc. Coredata and Facade also make tracks I can weave in to more diverse sets but. The majority of the rest of the prog space is a bit stale, with tracks that all sound the same to me (especially in track structure). I am seeing glimmers here and there lately though which is encouraging, Joof seems to be heating up again. My point is, I don't have a lot of tracks to go with the juicy good releases that pop up now and then, so I just barely mix this style at all anymore, and weave the sound in when it makes sense. Forescape at least seems to encourage experimentation which I think puts you guys a cut above in most cases, but sadly other labels seem to be keeping their producers in a small box. I would love to see more of these talented producers making some unhinged wacky stuff that pushes those label boundaries right off a cliff. I think that's why the underground scene is thriving - no rules, and producers bring their tracks to all sorts of different labels, or self release.