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Sleepy Robot

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Jul 7, 2020
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The Netherlands
Tonight me and my girlfriend finished Fringe.
A sci fi series which premiered in 2008.
Written by J J Abrams, Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci. Usually I cant take too many box set episodes in one go but this, although probably the most powerful tv series ive ever watched, we watched the last 4 in one go tonight.

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s definitely up your street, Its right up any trance lovers street.
You will see the universe differently after watching it.

edit: I found a semi decent trailer to Fringe. Absolutely no trailer could do it justice to sum up the enormity of the draw dropping energy & also humour in this series.
I have simply never had so many deep constructive thoughts whilst watching anything else.
Yes Fringe is fantastic show!!

I've rewatched it like 3-4 times i think and currently rewatching it again on the side. The overall story is great and well put together but it also has great stand-alone-ish episodes that show more character development. Something that seems to be lacking from the constantly story-driven shows we have today.
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Sleepy Robot

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Jul 7, 2020
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The Netherlands
Midnight club [Netflix]

Another outting by Mike Flanagan. Some good jumps and clever directional spots but it's doesn't have the crisp story telling compared to Midnight Mass. Obviously sets itself up for a second series.
As far as i know it's cancelled, something Netflix seems to be doing a lot these days after just one season. I did like some episodes but it dragged on to much towards the end. I think shows like these also work better if it wasn't made for 12 year olds.

Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK


Fawlty Towers returns. This time it’s written by John Cleese ( creator and star in original 70s show)

Basil ( played by genius John Cleese) this time runs a boutique hotel. The fundamental plot is based around Basil’s relationship with his daughter (Camila Cleese his real life daughter who co writes this new series with her father) One of the primary focuses is Basil’s navigation of the modern world. The original series is considered as one of the most defining tv comedy series of all time.

Comedy genius like John Cleese and his friends in ‘The Monty Python’ ( formed in 1969) totally influenced my taste in humour.

Anyone here know the sketch ‘Mr Creosote’ this famous line is from?
Maitre D
: And finally, monsieur , a wafer-thin mint.
- google if its not familiar to you 😂👌
( its from Monty Python's film ‘The meaning of Life’ )

Then theres this film🙇😂

Brian: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!

Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.

Brian: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!

Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!

Brian: Now, FUCK OFF!


Arthur: How shall we fuck off, O Lord?

Brian: Oh, just go away! Leave me alone.

Monty Pythons film ‘The Life of Brian’
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Fawlty Towers was one of those series which were funny but not funny enough for me to watch it until the end. I believe Cleese et al had much better work. I will give this a chance though.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Fawlty Towers was one of those series which were funny but not funny enough for me to watch it until the end. I believe Cleese et al had much better work. I will give this a chance though.
Sure, the originality of their sketches in the Monty Python TV show were so daft in a much more left field way than Fawlty Towers ever was. But I don’t think anything that crazy daft works as a comedy TV series with storylines and same main characters each episode. It wouldn’t be tangible enough to form any kind off attachment or fondness to any of the characters. But the greatest thing about the Phton sketch show in particular but also the films was their pure laugh out loud stun you with bizarreness originality. They also did great juxtaposition. The Aliens who momentarily interrupt a scene in The Life of Brian. Im pretty sure Aliens weren’t in the culture in the time of Jesus 😂 but it works because of their crazy imagination. Fawlty towers wasn’t written by the rest ( just John Cleese and Prunella scales I believe) but as a comedy program with story lines I think its class. Just Basils character and limetless ability to fail at the last minute when he thinks hes got away with some slack short cut attempt at fixing a problem or just covering up something he’s fucked up.

- I love how the waiter Manuel calls what he passionately believes is a ‘Siberian hamster’ Basil. (its actually a rat he keeps in the hotel! ).

Although in all truth there are definitely potentially dodgy elements of it that show Basil to be prejudice and a big bully but turned into comedy. ( and that isn’t good) I think it once got stick for that. Im just remembering the stuff in it now id forgotten. I suppose some may be influenced by that ( some might say) but John tries to paint Basil as such a flawed character that it should be enough to make it clear he’s in the wrong. But potentially not everyone can distinguish I suppose.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Clarkson's Farm, season 2 was very good. I enjoyed it. Maybe not as many laugh-out-loud moments (compared to season 1), but I would be happy if they had 10 more seasons. I could watch this forever.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Yes Fringe is fantastic show!!

I've rewatched it like 3-4 times i think and currently rewatching it again on the side. The overall story is great and well put together but it also has great stand-alone-ish episodes that show more character development. Something that seems to be lacking from the constantly story-driven shows we have today.

Fringe, guys.... Thank you.
Really enjoying it so far. Great recommendation.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I doubt it. They've ruined it.
Do what I do. I choose to ignore it as part of the established canon. I don't recognize Discovery, Picard or prodigy as being legit.

Behold I come before you, shocked...

its actually decent bordering on rather good....:oops:

After all the tons of shiite they churned out....they finally, Finally managed to churn out a Picard season, that

- is well written
- has likable caracters with development
- has a decent story line
- Genuinly feels like Star Trek

there's minus points ofcourse. the setting on most ships locations is dark and moody, all the time. some (if you can even call it some) eastereggs are just too f'ing obvious crowd pleasing. There's the occasional swearing which put me off after the first Picard episode.

but all in all I must say.

7 out of 10.


Nolan's Witness
Jul 14, 2020
285 Posts
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Behold I come before you, shocked... its actually decent bordering on rather good....:oops: After all the tons of shiite they churned out....they finally, Finally managed to churn out a Picard season, that - is well written - has likable caracters with development - has a decent story line - Genuinly feels like Star Trek there's minus points ofcourse. the setting on most ships locations is dark and moody, all the time. some (if you can even call it some) eastereggs are just too f'ing obvious crowd pleasing. There's the occasional swearing which put me off after the first Picard episode. but all in all I must say. 7 out of 10.

Haha well I better give it a try again. Thanks!


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Love the Red Letter Media stuff.
Some of the alternative commentaries they do for classic films are hillarious.
They’re on the mark with Picard season03 though.

my advice is to chuck away STD, and Picard season 01/02. and just watch this as a final send off “movie”

(If you’re into star trek that is heh)
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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
They’re on the mark with Picard season03 though.

my advice is to chuck away STD, and Picard season 01/02. and just watch this as a final send off “movie”

(If you’re into star trek that is heh)
I enjoyed TNG back in the day and some of Voyager, that’s about it really tbh. Not even bothered with the Picard stuff.

Actually think Seth McFarlands ‘The Orville’ show actually captures some of that TNG magic better than any of the recent Trek stuff tbh
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I enjoyed TNG back in the day and some of Voyager, that’s about it really tbh. Not even bothered with the Picard stuff.

Actually think Seth McFarlands ‘The Orville’ show actually captures some of that TNG magic better than any of the recent Trek stuff tbh
Oh yes 100% agreed. Love the campy family guy humor in it aswell
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