my 2 cents on your tipping points:
1 I disagree that calling upon your supporters to stand back but be ready for assaults from the opposition (blackshirts coïncidently) is facism m8. if anything its the opposite. its a call to abide by law, including self defense. (nor is it part of the list you provided)
2 well, that would make the biden/democrats facists for openly ignoring and cheering violent revolutionairies (see point 6 on your own list) wouldn’t it? Yet you don't hold them to the same standard. Why?
3 yes, Trump blurts out stupid things which he later has to retract, that doesn't make him a Nazi, it makes him an idiot. As opposed to Pinochet, hitler or Mussolini, who where quite eloquent/political in their speech.
Now, Concerning Eco, Why you would pick a medievalist’s essay, for how to culturally detect fascism, as the to-go list (as opposed to say: gentile’s, who focusses on the operation of the political system, which is what we’re talking about, or any other of the 20 philosophers/scolars)is a riddle to me. Some of his definitions are so broad they pretty much apply to any ideology, religion or political party, and seen as (according to himself) only 1 is needed as a red flag quote: ""it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it""
ok eco, so Tibetan Buddism is potential facism, for tagging box one. because they're "a cult of tradition"
Right. i don't know how about you but i find that accenine. then again maybe it explains why everything is considered facism these days, as mentioned in my earlier responds to Hensmon.
Still, lets to through it and see :
1 cult of tradition: What Eco refers to here is the new facist mysticism under Goebbels. so basically wicca with a swastika. This doesn't apply to trump who's a moderate (hedonist) Christian (democrat for most of his life) and for all intends and purposes a classical liberalist. Though this point probably explains why so many people (falsely) attribute conservatism to be facist (which is isn't) since it was this particular type of conservatism (classical liberal values) that defeated the nazi's (and the commies, consequently)
2 rejection of modernism and enlightenment values. Trump doesn't do that, Trumps office rejects post-modernist values in where everything is fluid and subjective (except for that statement, somehow), and wishes to return to original enlightenment/ aristotelean values on which the usa was build. wherein the individual is central, not the state, nor the group and/or its rights.
3 action for action sake: I would argue both sides utilize this strategy, (block the reps regardless) and, like cult of tradition, is a far to common phenomenon to attribute to facism. basically eco turns john locke and other body over mind enlightenment philosophers into facist with this. Accinine point, and not mutually exclusive to trump in this context, though I would classify him as reactionairy.
4 disagreement is treason "Against critical race theory? you're a racists biggot! #cancelled" see point 3. in fact I would argue that the other side is a whole lot better at eating itself and expelling its own for wrong think. so thats a shared tag box afiac.
5 Fear of difference: I don't see how this applies, Trump isn't fearfull of the "outsider" which is why the trade deal with china was signed, 99% blue wave never came, and though Biden might still win by a small margin, and you have groups like lgbtqi for trump, blacks for trump etc. being against human trafficing and illegal immigration isn't xenophobia, nor is being a patriot in favor of functioning borders.
6 appeal to social frustration. see point 3, (notable examples #metoo, BLM etc. )
7 The obsession with a plot. first: see again point 3 (notable examples: Russia gate, Trumps global corporations/ tax returns, etc.) but yes, Trump is in favor of his own country over globalism. so while I agree you can tick that box for him, I disagree with Eco that favoring the nation state under classical liberal principles is a red flag for fascism.
8 The enemy is to strong an too weak. see again point 3 "trump is a massive idiot and a failure but simultaneously a competent dictator who's going to destroy america!"
9 pacifism is trafficing with the enemy, How does this apply to a president who, unlike his predecessors didn't start another pointless militairy conflict in the middle east and instead signed trade deals and brokered peace between Isreal and among which, UAE. something unthinkable 4 years ago, nor tries to forcibly increase "lebelsraum" Also, his position on "not casting a vote" is neutral, vote if you like.
10 contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.” Trump isn’t an elitist, he’s the polar opposite, a populist. And speaking of elitism, “basket of deplorables” rings a bell. I don’t think see point 3 applies here, instead I’m going to give this a firm box for the democrats, especially concerning elitism.
11 everybody is educated to become a hero, Under trumps regime, there's freedom, low taxes producing winners and losers. Not everyone gets to be a hero, nor is this a cult of death. not applicable, also again I think the progressive movement of handing out trofees to children just for participating is something he´s not onboard with, but seen as he didn´t stop or promote that politically we´ll leave that in the middle for now.
12 Machismo and weaponry. America’s gun /macho culture is something that faaar preceeds trumps administration, nor does he have a disdain for women (in fact he seems to love them a bit too much), he just appointed a (relatively young) female supreme judge and as far as homosexuality, I again reference Gays for Trump movement. (which coïncidently are being ousted as heretics or "race traitors" by the "cult" they used to be a part of see: point 4)
13 Selective populism: see point 3, “we’re favour of the poor black community but not the poor hillbillies in the rust belt” and vice versa. So far the dems have ticked a lot more then 1 alongside with Trump, which is again why I don’t find this list credible. It makes them as much facist as trump allegedly is depending on a subjective angle. Its way to broad and multi interpredable and so I don’t think this should be cursory reading for students, at least not without context from the aforementionted other 20.
and finally:
14 Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak: the overwhealming majority of news papers are openly against trump, there’s free press and the curriculum under trump hasn’t been altered for schools. Not applicable.
Eco's list isn't making a good case against trump for being an alleged facist here. and if you want to go with the "well it only takes one point" rule, then congrats, you've just turned Biden into a Nazi, (and the Dalai lama along side him )
If you want to try classifying him as such, might I suggest Gentiles 10 points list and see if it still holds calling him or his government that. its also one that isn't based on just "1 tag the box you're a nazi" but a whole.