Legendary Member
- Jul 17, 2020
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correct, then again, do not underestimate someone like musk when it comes to setting up succesfull business models. I think the prescription blue/checkmark move and sacking all the useless staff are two very smart things from a business perspective. keep in mind. A lot of people are addicted by twitter, especially those in the upper echelons of political discourse and power and by charging them to "yell online" he's making twitter a product again, as opposed to you being the product on twitter with all the advertisers etc.2 is the most likely outcome. A free speech social network does not exist because all the previous attempts at creating one have failed. It's not an engineering problem.
All of Elon's ventures so far have been related to engineering and technology. Twitter involves political acumen with all the countries of the world that Elon simply does not have.
Twitter is dependend on advertisers, for now yes, but we've also seen what happens when you rely on constant commecials/adds in cases like facebook or myspace.
like said i'm cool with either way going down.