The world i am trying to describe is exactly what you see in Star Trek. A utopia. Certainly one that shares pieces of democracy, socialism and communism. I refuse to believe that humanity can't make it work.
People should not be forced to have a job in order to make money to survive and to have the basic necessities of life. The basic necessities of life should be globally recognized as a basic human right and should be guaranteed to all people. A one world government needs to have a global constitution controlled by people. The government should not have power to impose policy, that's up to people.
Through technology we can eliminate scarcity and provide what is needed for all people to live good lives. Getting rid of the monetary system will liberate people from slavery and oppression and eliminate the greed and corruption that people fall into with a money based system.
As human beings we need to have hope that we can make a better system for all people. If we don't have hope for a better tomorrow, then we have nothing to live for.
Well first of I’m glad to find another trekkie on the forum.
The “utopia” that is the UFP in Star trek isn’t a single world utopia is it? Its a coalition between multiple planets (countries if you will) each with their unique customs, species, barriers to entry etc. there’s planets joining and cecceeding all the time, its basically Gene Roddenberry’s analogy of the European union in space. So instead of having 200 countries you have 200 planets with borders and local governments, customs to adher to. etc. Not to mention the border with other empires/entities. It didn't get rid of the concept of borders, it just scaled the whole thing up.
Its also not socialist. Its post-scarcity (classical) liberal.
- Private property is everywhere (Picard ows a vineyard, sisko’s family owns a restaurant, Kirk owns a ranch etc.)
- Currency isn’t gone, money simply has been replaced by Competence as currency. Not everyone and actually very few get to be in for instance Starfleet or become captain or qualify for say, Trill joining. and there’s plenty who fall between the cracks like the Maquis, tom paris and Picards second exec etc.
and that’s even ignoring all the direct trade the UFP citizens are engaged in, think of all the gold pressed latinum traders/arms dealers we see throughout say DS9 during the dominion war. Money as a concept is basically an equalizer/abstraction for trade. Which startrek didn’t get rid of, and neither did it ignore or solve the human tendency to engage in it.
- Its also definitely not communist which is the end goal of socialism. Gene wasn’t a big fan of socialism/communism which in Star Trek is, as before mentioned, represented by their most dangerous enemy. The Borg. A single hivemind that all think alike, and any deviation is either forcefully assimilated or purged with resistance being futile. There's no government, there are no borders, everybody is an equal integral part and there's no discord. The perfect communist utopia.
on a political side note: Facism is represented by the Cardassian Union/the Romulan Star empire and the Dominion is basically the shadow variant of the federation, minus the democracy. Klingons are a bit hard to pin down and vary per series from either friend or enemy or neutral. I sometimes classify them as the warrior cast Australia of star trek.
on another side note: The UPF suffers from the same (growing) detachment that the EU is currenty exhibiting. Namely that from the ivory tower that is Earth or Strassbourgh, You lose touch with the little man, which in the case of startrek results in the Maquis conflict en eventually, massacre, for "the greater good" of the UPF and its treaties.
Now you are of course free to believe that humanity can somehow make “it” work. But Gene Roddenberry, much as I love the man, wasn’t a realist, he was a dreamer and as far as can be decerned a "bleading" heart-core liberal. Who’s end vision for humanity was a plantonic form that, beautifull as it might be, had very little ground in science, sociology or reality for that matter. A contemporary of his, Robert A. Heinlein was far more realistic in his similar view of a competence based liberal future society. (both he and Roddenberry where actually inspired by Ayn Rand rather then Marx or Hegel, as a little interresting side note)
Star trek aside for a moment,
(sorry for the rant above btw i'm a huge startrek nerd lol) you mentioned "The government should not have power to impose policy, that's up to people"
This is an oxymoron if every I saw one. The whole reason you have a democratic “peoples” government is because as a cooperating ape species with various unique individuals you’re inevitably going to crystalize into some form or institute that imposes policy uppon the group after it forms (anything from might-makes- right tribalism to democracies) , like the protection of its voter Demos that we’ve mentioned earlier. The clue is basically in the name: “govern” ment. The pople vote in the government, the government imposes policy.
"If we don't have hope for a better tomorrow, then we have nothing to live for. "
Well, the overwhealming majority of religious people on the planet that don't agree with you on that aside m8, as an Ietsist I don’t see how an inviduals hope for a better tomorrow is particulary relevant to the discussion of the (forced) societal outcome of the entire world population, it mostly a personal thing.
But I Agree, I to am in favor of a better tomorrow, who isn't? the difference between you and I is that I will settle for an "optimal" better tomorrow, whereas (from what i've gathered so far) you'll only settle for a "utopia" (which again, either which you're definitly not going to get via social engineering, sorry.)
it might very well be that liberal democracies with a capitalist free market is the best system we’re going to get albeit imperfect/un-utopian. I certainly don’t see a better alternative, It pulled more people out of poverty and in wealth then ANY other system. which is why I’m a proponent of spreading that system to as many people as possible, so as to improve their lives and why, for that reason i don't think of the USA as an inherent "evil" entity.