UFOs and Aliens


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Feb 24, 2021
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Public hearing is taking place at the end of this month, July 26th. We don’t know who will be testifying yet but likely Grusch and many others.

Complete joke to think this is some false flag conspiracy. How in denial do you have to be believe that. Ever seen Democrats and Republicans in unanimous agreement with each other on anything? Well this is it.


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According to new research the age of the universe might be double what we expected. 27 Billion years. That’s more than enough time for advanced life to make it to our lonely corner.

Neat. However, it also turns out that our type of (life giving) solar system is much rarer then initially thought.

so you do have to balance the odds back to that again
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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2021
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so you do have to balance the odds back to that again

The odds are wildly in favor of our galaxy being completely colonized, even if you only include a single species. We’re talking billions and billions of years here. You can colonize our galaxy in millions even travelling at less than 1% speed of light. Our galaxy could have been colonized thousands upon thousands of times by now.

There is NO scientific basis for assuming alien life cannot visit us, only evidence that it should have already.


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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The odds are wildly in favor of our galaxy being completely colonized,
No, they’re not. and please don’t tell me you’re refering to the Drake equation 🤦‍♂️

the odds are virtually indeterminable since we only have 1 demonstrable instance of (intelligent) life and capable of space travel so far

even if you only include a single species. We’re talking billions and billions of years here. You can colonize our galaxy in millions even travelling at less than 1% speed of light. Our galaxy could have been colonized thousands upon thousands of times by now.
And this is precisely the basis of the Fermi Paradox. If it is allegedly teaming with intelligent life, then why the dead-silence?

Now admitted:?there have been numerous proposed solutions to this, but they’re all hypothetical and mostly involve in summary:
- they where there, but now they’re dead
- there is life, but when it reaches post-base star colonisation there’s a great filter
- the universe is a dark forest (recommend the novels by the way)

and a handful more

There is NO scientific basis for assuming alien life cannot visit us, only evidence that it should have already.
theres plenty, one of the biggest ones for example ( especially with 1% c travel) = entropy
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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No, they’re not. and please don’t tell me you’re refering to the Drake equation 🤦‍♂️



The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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And I’m not even mad about that for the sheer memology
To be fair, this is not my feelings against you, lmao - just imagined someone would use the Drake Equation as an argument without truly understanding it, so I wanted to get ahead of them 😅


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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The public UAP hearing is live streamed tomorrow! 3 witnesses, including Grusch, will be testifying to congress. Hopefully the information is not segregated too heavily between unclassified and classified. Either way this a huge moment for disclosure and apparently 1 of many public hearings happening in the foreseeable future.

Absolutely amazing. As little as 5 years ago UFOS were hick fantasies, with nothing but ridicule for those who entertained their existence, to now what is a worldwide government admission that not only that 'phenomenon' are indeed present, but that the origins are likely non-human, with that validation process happening publicly via the highest level of US intelligence (who all vouch for it to be true)!

We're witnessing the most insane and complex global conspiracy ever conceived, or alternatively, and more simply....the truth. We're going to find out sooner rather than later which one it is.
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Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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The witnesses have spoken today at the hearing, I watched it live but it was long. Maybe some good summary videos will come up I can share another time because I would not do a good job. I can say is that these witnesses are respectable and brave men, with the integrity firm and unquestioned. They say to us UFOs are aliens and the Congress believes them. We should listen to them and the thousand other respectable people who have been telling the truth for years.


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Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK

Only one of the following statements can be true.

He's either telling the truth (In which case what the fuck!)
Or he has balls the size of coconuts to spin this yarn under oath.

I'm leaning heavily towards the latter, but popcorn all around either way :ROFLMAO:
On reflection, maybe there's another option - "he thinks he's telling the truth"
Open that can of worms from any angle you see fit.
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Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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"he thinks he's telling the truth"
I'm leaning towards this option.

As for the hearing itself: Testimonies, testimonies, charismatic preachings and heart-felt convictions galore..

0 actual evidence presented

Its all faith-based. "I believe this mans word! why would this Saint of a man lie? he's so respectable and honorable and integral and well trained etc. etc."

Sure, you most certainly can... its at the end of the day still an Ad Verecundiam, and doesn't prove squat 🤷‍♂️

You could, in my opinion, replace the current witness on stance with an honest, respectable Cleric of the Ordo Exorcism and have him do a similar testimony on how he's really, really, really expelled a many demons throughout the years and that the Vatican is covering the "real" evidence of up so as to not cause world hysteria amongst the unbelievers.

And yeah, you could potentially, as a devout catholic or even as an Agnostic present in the room, be convinced of the man's honesty given his years of service and knowledge on the relevant subject.

however, this frysian heathen would like to see some actual evidence for fucking once after all this time, and no, by that I don't mean blurry pictures again, before I red-stamp anything as "truth"

looking forward to them actually pulling the alien bodies out of the morque and/or a working flying saucer out of the hangar for presentation and inspection

(not holding my breath though)

Julian Del Agranda

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Jul 3, 2020
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It was interesting yesterday on dutch tv, someone said:

Basically, if there are UFO's (flying objects we don't know what they are) then we actually should be happy it's aliens. Because if let's say Russia or China has technology that is so extremely more enhanced than western tech... then let's say the USA would simly have 0% chance in any sort of encounter. Just zero, nada, nothing. Completely 100% easy for any attacking party. So yeah. Aliens.
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Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Another topic I don't see coming up much in the debate on what constitutes "Real" evidence for UAP's, and also in relation to the increase in "sightings" the last decade.

Are Pranksters,

and how good some of them in this day and age have become in creating said footage, just for the fun of the reaction it produces (so basically trolling)