UFOs and Aliens


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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well, you're free to read into it whatever you want ofcourse..

I would however genuinly advice you, just in case, to prepair for crushing dissapointment


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Sep 24, 2020
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Disappointment over what? I have no horse in the race, all outcomes are interesting to me and I’m open to most of them. I am fascinated with what’s currently taking place, but ultimately just want to know the facts and the truth. I’m yet to make a decision.

Sam Harris’s position is just something I was observing, but his claims of the US government contacting him and others over ET disclosure were clear as day. That fact leaves us two options if we assume he is truthful, one of which is that alien visitation is a conspiracy/hoax and they have fooled or colluded with Sam Harris to help spread the falsehood(!!). Or alternatively alien visitation is real and they are asking for his help in disclosure (!!!)

I’m not a conspiracy theorist kind of person so I find it hard to connect with the alien hoax theory and I've mentioned previously the holes (still waiting on the answer to my question on why not blame Russia for all this), but I don't see how it can be ruled out. But also the idea that ETs have been dropping in just seems so unbelievable to be true. We're left with crazy or crazy.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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well crushing dissapointment might be a hard term, admitted.

but to go with it. Dissapointment over that its actually nothing all that crazy/ interresting.

I for one happen to be firmly in the camp of this entire show being nothing more then a means for defense to pull funding. Which they pull all the time so i don't think its anything that special.

I'm not even against it. More funding for space research and prefereably crafts please.


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Dec 11, 2020
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Hows this one fellaz? Its a shorty clip I promise :cool:

Major General from Belgium Airforce talking of his country UFO encounterings . Pilots say they cannot catch the UFO in the jets, its too fast. It's on the radar and they show the radar on the video. Flying at over 1140mph and dropping and rising from thousands of feet to the surface in seconds. Yet people on the ground say no sound is heard and no sonic boom. It's sounding the same as the US one, doesnt it?
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Nice share @Juna

How do you explain that one @jetflag? Let me guess...Another mass shared cognitive malfunction by pilots and ground troops, perfectly timed alongside a radar malfunction, that by coincidence mimics the hallucinations, with the Airforce Major General using all this as a means to perpetuate a conspiracy to get more funding for the Belgium Airforce. Sound about right? :sneaky:
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Nice share @Juna

How do you explain that one @jetflag? Let me guess...Another mass shared cognitive malfunction by pilots and ground troops, perfectly timed alongside a radar malfunction, that by coincidence mimics the hallucinations, with the Airforce Major General using all this as a means to perpetuate a conspiracy to get more funding for the Belgium Airforce. Sound about right? :sneaky:
nah, the most plausible explanation must obviously be magic reality breaking green little men amirite :geek:

look, answer me honestly.

do you really want me too explain what's being shown in those seconds of video footage? or do you just want to believe?

because I can tell you beforehand and without going into detail, it took me about 2 seconds of video analysis to see whats going on here, lol, and SHM as to why people love fooling themselves into thinking it must be alien objects breaking physics.. 😅
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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its a common atmospheric phenomena known as Braggs-scattering 🙂

also, did a little side-digging into this case: turns out the pilots never made visual contact and target locked each other, 3 out of 3 times.😅

also: the same group ((SOBEPS) that hyped this incident kept claiming an admitted hoax-photo of one of the UFO's on that night was "real" for 20 years, despite the photographer admitting it was a joke/hoax.

sorry 👐
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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K, I think i've been on the debunk-end of the spectum in this thread for way to long.

Now note: This is seperate from UFO claims. but it does relate to (possible) Alien (civ) detection

so with that being said: here's a tid bit of interresting.



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Feb 24, 2021
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Returned back from a long month off hiking n camping and missed most of the UAP report release and responses in the media. On catch up it's safe to say the whole thing was a complete joke and insult to the American people. We at least got our Gov and Mil admitting to the average public that they've been left clueless to 140 objects in our skies and stating most of them are solid objects. For everyone else it's the finger. They pretend to only NOW start taking interest in the UAP topic, when the evidence proves that the US Airforce and Gov have been taking this seriously and studying it for over 60 years. The Airforce knows without question we are being visited by aliens and is still playing dumb. Senator Reid, Elizondo and Mellon are doing what they can to get the truth out and small progress is being made, but it's infuriating that we have to keep playing this game for a truth that the world has a right to know.

triple check next time. On April 27, 2020, the Pentagon formally released the aformentioned three videos

I have to come back to this. You were originally arguing that the Pentagon is releasing ambiguous FLIR videos as a means to deceive the public about UFOs being alien, and if they had incredible footage or data of real ET craft they'd be showing us. I don't think you actually read the Pentagon statement you shared. It literally states on line three that the videos were an UNAUTHORIZED release, one of which was 13 years ago!. So no, for the last time, the Pentagon is not behind the release of these videos, these videos are not part of some Pentagon conspiracy. This Pentagon alien hoax conspiracy you believe in currently has 0 evidence on offer, please show that I'm wrong on that, anything at all. All the Pentagon did was confirm their authenticity years after the fact. AFTER the New York times had already released them and reported on them, after Elizondo had come out and discussed them and after the Pilots started surfacing from the events. Your'e not gonna try and tell me that the Pentagon leaked their own video's 13 years ago, only to release them themselves anyway years later, all for UFO conspiracy they planned in 2021?

That Pentagon statement also reiterates exactly what I told you about why they are not sharing their entire UAP radar data and video material with the public - "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena." - What a surprise, the US military doesn't want to show the world its systems, data and research, who would have thought. The public UAP report came as smaller declassified version and a longer classified version was given to top gov officials, so there it is playing out.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I have to come back to this. You were originally arguing that the Pentagon is releasing ambiguous FLIR videos as a means to deceive the public about UFOs being alien, and if they had incredible footage or data of real ET craft they'd be showing us. I don't think you actually read the Pentagon statement you shared. It literally states on line three that the videos were an UNAUTHORIZED release, one of which was 13 years ago!. So no, for the last time, the Pentagon is not behind the release of these videos,

I argued that the pentaton OFFICIALLY released the footage, which they did.

There's tons of alleged "leaked" Ufo pentagon footage out there ever since area51, rosswell and before. They seemed perfectly happy ignoring those for decades, despite numerous OP;ED's by various media.

So yes. for the last time. The pentagon DID (officialy) release these video's post hoc and because they did this time, It gained the hype it did.

these videos are not part of some Pentagon conspiracy. This Pentagon alien hoax conspiracy you believe in currently has 0 evidence on offer, please show that I'm wrong on that,
This topic discusses, among which, plausible explanations and scenario's regarding footage of Unidentified Flying Objects, or Areal Phenomena.

- You are in the camp of: "It must be aliens wielding magic! because deep down you ->want,<- that to be the case, you've already made up your mind. and its not because its the most likely given the quality of the evidence and what we do know about physics and how reality operates. You don't follow the evidence to where it leads (or most likely leads), you lead the evidence to where you want it to go, namely: Aliens are visiting us.

-I'm in the camp of: "That, out of all the available options on the table, thats actually the least likely given the things we do know about physics and reality and as such the option of the Pentagon using this "officialy out of the closet on Ufo's sceme" to gain funding in a time of crisis is a hell of a lot more likely.

none of us have conclusive evidence, if we did this thread would not exist. my scenario is, however, more likely. and you're wrong on that, in the sense that you believe, (constrasted with your prefered alternative), it isn't.
anything at all. All the Pentagon did was confirm their authenticity years after the fact. AFTER the New York times had already released them and reported on them, after Elizondo had come out and discussed them and after the Pilots started surfacing from the events. Your'e not gonna try and tell me that the Pentagon leaked their own video's 13 years ago, only to release them themselves anyway years later, all for UFO conspiracy they planned in 2021?

Why not exactly?

Honestly ask yourself, why would you, being the pentagon, immidiatly play a potential card you can use in the near future when you... oh I don't know.. might be in financial hot water? 13 years ago the pentagon didn't have the financial and geopolitic situation they do now do they? 2007 was golden times for the pentagon under the bush/Cheney administration in terms of funding/development.

There have been articles about Ufo's for decades. they seemed perfectly happy to ignore.

I can't help but notice you seeming to have a somewhat noble, trustworthy and frankly naïeve view of the Pentagon and its motives in general m8. This is not the type of institute thats interrested in giving "the truth" to the public especially if it makes them look weak...Its the type of institute who's entire shtick is war and power dynamics,

can I ask you what did they do to make you see them as earnest players who's core objective, (unlike those biased and annoying scientist who keep refusing to acknowledge the clystal clear evidence!) is truthfinding and transparancy in all this?

That Pentagon statement also reiterates exactly what I told you about why they are not sharing their entire UAP radar data and video material with the public - "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena." - What a surprise, the US military doesn't want to show the world its systems, data and research, who would have thought. The public UAP report came as smaller declassified version and a longer classified version was given to top gov officials, so there it is playing out.
convinient isn't it? :ROFLMAO:

"we're only going to confirm the vague footage is real by officialy releasing the vague footage, but non of the radarplots and documentation shot that would confirm it for what it actually is by utterly outdated radar systems developed in the fucking 80's, compared to todays gen5 fighter jet standards because that is "sensitive" and might interfere with our internal research for some reason,

very convincing..

The sneaky pentagon must be secretly aware of Magic Alien Tech and are releasing snippets of official info to the plebs (under no real obligation) because of an NYT article, whilst keeping the rest for themselves and thats why you can take their contradictory statements on "sensitive" (read: outdated) tech and specs as holy gospel aswell as their noble motives for "officialy" releasing said footage.

- Pentagon secretly aware and researching magic reality breaking alien objects whilst "officialy" hinting the validity of that the public for no reason? Truth!

- Pentagon employing a sceme to pull in funding during a time of crisis? -> Nonsense conspiracy!

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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2021
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I think you misunderstand @jetflag, i'm not in belief the Pentagon is behind any sort of truth mission. They know exactly this is real and are acting like they know nothing. Luis Elizondo headed the Pentagons program to study UAPs and he came to the conclusion that UAPs are aliens. It's only since he retired that he is telling us that, because he believes the people have a right to know, and because the Pentagon/military are refusing to do that (his own words). Chris Mellon is also a former Secretary of Defense, he doesn't work for the Pentagon either. Harry Reid was the former senate majority leader. None of these people work for the Pentagon, they are trying to get the truth out, despite of them. The only reason we got the UAP report was because Trump forced it as one of his final executive orders.

That's not a baseless assertion either, the evidence overwhelmingly shows that cover-ups and dismissals have been taking place for decades by US Airforce, private aerospace and top levels of specific government agencies. You seem to think the US Gov is monolithic. These various intelligence agencies and military do not co-operate, thats common knowledge. Congress is not privy to the workings of the military or CIA. Presidents are out of the loop on many things. You must of heard Eisenhower's speech warning of the dangers of the military industrial complex, how it operates autonomously and in a clandestine manner. Thats exactly whats happening here.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Ok so lets break down what we agree on,. and what we disagree on (and why):

- we agree that government organizations like pentagon, which is part of the U.S. department of Defence, have both their own agenda/coverups and that they both only "tactically" release snippets of data to the public, and that their precise motives are to be guessed at.

- we agree that there's a minority of former employees of said organizations who confirm and put out the "it must be aliens" hypothesis,

- we agree that, assuming the (alleged) objects in the footage/ data are infact objects, they appear to be breaking physics and/or are magical.

- we disagree that, given the likelyhood óf magic being real/physics breaking down, these must be objects of extra terrestrial nature behaving the way they do. Why on my part? because I don't think you can interact with reality whilst at the same time nitpicking its rules (so you cannot have photons bounce of of you, making you visible to camera's, whilst at the same time ignoring the same physic processes that would generate instant Nuclear Fusion in the sky when you pop in or out of existence within earths athmosphere with x amount of de or acceleration),
you seem to think that is possible. Why you think that? Don't know. (I presume, that you think is because its God..sorry, i mean "Advanced Alien Race" and therefor anything goes.)

- we disagree that, given earlier agreed upon nature of said organization, the beliefs and stories from its former life-long employees (Mellon, Elizondo, Reid) can be taken at face value. for either, they could instructed to do so or, because they genuinly believe it and are just wrong about it. There's plenty of people working at the us gov or pentagon that believe all sort of stuff, doesn't mean that therefor stuff = gospel/true
you seem to think you can take their stories etc. at face value. Why you think that? Don't know.

- we disagree that the evidence is "overwhealming" the proofs being presented are never properly cross referancable, and and are always vague, despite advancements in technology.

- we disagree on the likelyhood of the Pentagon using this hype to pull funding vs the likelyhood of the pentagon covering up that we're being visited by Aliens wielding reality breaking magic tech.


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Dec 11, 2020
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Another NASA astronaut (and PHD professor) for the list broskis. Quote - 'There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time…'

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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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First congressional hearing on UFO's in 50 years today. Another small step towards the eventual disclosure? Or more charades to further a conspiracy to convince the world we are being visited by aliens to secure funding?

BBC has an article on it;

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