UFOs and Aliens


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Dec 11, 2020
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ONe more pilot coming to say he has seen things that are 'impossible' in the sky. This time multiple lights flying in circular motion 1000feat above his fighter jet. No aircraft of humans can operate at those altitudes and speeds.



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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No aircraft of humans can operate at those altitudes and speeds.

Not necessarily, could be that this is technology that private aerospace has developed and is keeping from the rest of us. Obviously it would mean a massive leap in tech and huge implications for energy, transport, war, society etc not quite as monumental as aliens visiting, but still a travesty considering what might be being hid from us.

Or there is a third option from the sceptics, which believes there is a world wide epidemic of hallucinations taking place exclusively within the aviation industry, where the worlds most trained observers constantly confuse mundane objects for high speed intelligently controlled vehicles.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Not necessarily, could be that this is technology that private aerospace has developed and is keeping from the rest of us. Obviously it would mean a massive leap in tech and huge implications for energy, transport, war, society etc not quite as monumental as aliens visiting, but still a travesty considering.

Or there is a third option from the sceptics, which believes there is a world wide epidemic of hallucinations taking place exclusively within the aviation industry, where the worlds most trained observers constantly confuse mundane objects for high speed intelligently controlled vehicles.
I actually think this is one of the if not the most plausible one, taking into account the amount of physical stresses, especially in high G (there's a reason why they have to wear an oxygen mask and a G suit just to stay concious) these pilots are subjected too.

I regularly see stars/sparks where there are none when i'm doing an intense wim hof breathing routine for 5 minutes


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Feb 24, 2021
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Thats a great channel shared above, lot of great content.

As shown by this video, from the same channel, which is the recording of the same event/pilot calling ATC to talk about the objects. He calls in once to describe circling lights at the altitude (described as impossible in the first video), not the shocked in his voice in the ATC recording. He then calls again 25 minutes later. So at a minimum he is observing the vehicles in a fixed position, moving intelligently, for 30 minutes plus. He clearly states the number and that two more joined the circle.

I regularly see stars/sparks where there are none when i'm doing an intense wim hof breathing routine for 5 minutes

Thats why this above statement is not a plausible explanation, not even close. You think trained fighter pilots cannot understand when they are seeing vision stars, yet something you and all of us have no problem doing since we were 6.

Since when do those kind of stars become localized in a fixed spot, or move in consistent uniform patterns? If the pilot looked left or right or up or down the stars would move with it, not be in the same fixed position over extended period of time. The pilot specifically calculates altitude measurements on and is observing them for 30 minutes. Another aircraft also spots them 1 hour later. It's not another hallucination or eye floatys. It's either not human or human technology vastly beyond what we know. According to anyone in government who looks into this, it's the former.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Thats why this above statement is not a plausible explanation, not even close.

I don't think you're applying the term plausible correctly in this context. Its a very plausible explanation from a physical standpoint for the majority of "sights" out there. The sparks I mentioned are just one example of a trick the brain plays on your senses. There's plenty of other phenomena, even post-hoc the event like memory reconsolidation in which the brain actively rewrites the previously recorded memories. These are just some off the cuff examples.

I also think you mistake trained pilots for demi-Gods who, through mere training and conditioning are astartes esq super-humans

They're not.

They're just pattern recognition evolved homo-sapiens like you and I, who have the same synapse filled cauliflour prone and impulses that you and I have. At best they're slightly better adapted to it. And the more flighttime /pilots out there the more off-chance you have for what I described above^ Its just a numbers game.
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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2021
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I don't think you're applying the term plausible correctly in this context.

I am, because the objects are seen by three different aircraft, the F18 and 2 commercial airlines. They also took videos of them. It is not plausible it's a hallucination.

As is the same with all the main cases so far involving pilots, we have a mixture of radar, video, extended time frames, fixed positions and multiple witnesses, all of which the sceptic must ignore in order to make fit the ridiculous, evidence-less, mass pilot hallucination theory into an explanation for all this that doesn't even pass for sensical or logical even with that made as the assumption.

These objects are absolutely real, and they are flying above the ceiling of almost all known aircraft, possible high enough beyond all known aircraft is his estimates are correct and regardless the maneuvers are impossible for all known aircraft. Impossible is the right term, based on all our known physics.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I am, because the objects are seen by three different aircraft, the F18 and 2 commercial airlines. They also took videos of them. It is not plausible it's a hallucination.
I was referring to the majority of sights out there. Mass psychosis (like in another instance Milagre do Sol) is still more likely/plausible, then physics breaking down. As for the videos: they are (as always) incredibly vague, even with our new modern equipment.

The language in the video is also quite loaded, and leading the subject rather then actually questioning it.

you could make a simillar video about this:

..and claim the mothership was going to land before "mysteriously" vanishing and "breaking all physics"
Equally, If you gave this particular hit piece any other context, we’d be talking about an odd athmospheric reflection of say: planets, instead of UFO sightings.

I for one am not impressed, this is equally "valid" evidence as that ridiculous parallax shot of that duck flying near ground level.

we have a mixture of radar
..which didn't occur in this event. lets not mix things up there. There was no mention of any radar plots in this particular piece, and if i'm wrong on that:, link please? So far we have 1 ad veracundeum testimony. Sorry, not enough.
video,extended time frames, fixed positions and multiple witnesses, all of which the sceptic must ignore in order to make fit the ridiculous, evidence-less, mass pilot hallucination theory into an explanation for all this that doesn't even pass for sensical or logical even with that made as the assumption.

And yet, its still more plausible then the violation of well established physics/ reality breaking down (thinks like causality breaking +c's etc. ) that the UFO Tfoofers seem to take as Gospel as the One True Explanation for this.

These objects are absolutely real, and they are flying above the ceiling of almost all known aircraft, possible high enough beyond all known aircraft is his estimates are correct and regardless the maneuvers are impossible for all known aircraft. Impossible is the right term, based on all our known physics.
m8, you can't even be sure if they're objects , as in physical things to begin with. But yes, you are right that impossible is the right term, based on all our known physics.


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Feb 24, 2021
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Another UFO report from the Pentagon just dropped. The new office for monitoring UAPs (AARO) identified 366 airborne items for analysis since the last report. Once the birds, balloons, drones, weather phenomena and general clutter was accounted for, we were left 171 objects in the sky that the US government has no idea what it is, in a single year

171 in a single year! The UAPs are occurring in restricted or sensitive airspace, around our military and nuclear arsenal. We have sensors everywhere, one of the most watched airspace’s on the planet, yet the Pentagon is saying it has no idea what they are. Explanation for that?


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Another UFO report from the Pentagon just dropped. The new office for monitoring UAPs (AARO) identified 366 airborne items for analysis since the last report. Once the birds, balloons, drones, weather phenomena and general clutter was accounted for, we were left 171 objects in the sky that the US government has no idea what it is, in a single year

171 in a single year! The UAPs are occurring in restricted or sensitive airspace, around our military and nuclear arsenal. We have sensors everywhere, one of the most watched airspace’s on the planet, yet the Pentagon is saying it has no idea what they are. Explanation for that?
Link please?


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Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
I remember reading an article some time back that all of these Military sightings could be some form of natural phenomenon that we’ve hitherto not had the technology to properly observe and now in an age of high-end detection technology (modern radar and optics) we are better able to pick up whatever this phenomena is. Would also explain the increase in reports over recent years.

I would love there to be proof of life beyond our planet, but the skeptic in me says there are a multitude of more likely scenarios to discount first before you get to that.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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When i think about life beyond our planet and the sheer size of the universe,it really boggles my mind. Also how lucky are we to exist on this planet and have a life? We couldve been.....nothing? :oops::LOL:
You being conceived is and will be handsdown the most remarkable thing you will ever achieve 🙏

goes for everyone by the way 😉
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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form of natural phenomenon that we’ve hitherto not had the technology to properly observe

Problem with this is that if this natural phenomenon is happening at least 150 times per year in the US, which the report suggests, then we would have easily grasped what it is is by now. It's extremely common and prevalent. Yet we dont even have so much as a theory.

The other issue of course is that the pilots that observe these things describe metallic saucers, tic-tac shapes, orbs, massive v shapes and pyramids. They observe them in formation (radar/visual) and talk about intelligent maneuvers in the context of their own maneuvers i.e holding position, circling, uniform patterns and more. Despite the ridicule and threat to their careers, they all feel strongly enough to openly say they believe it to be alien.

Then on top of it, every single senior gov or pentagon official who spent last decade studying theses cases and data sets is also openly saying it's not human. Then their bosses, the most senior intelligence officers in the US i.e Head of Intelligence and CIA, are also going on TV and saying that the alien hypothesis is not only possible, but the most likely. Not just one intelligence officer or CIA director, but around 10 combined, going back to the 50's.

Every single expert in this topic, with access to the most information, is saying its aliens. Think about what it would take for them to reach such a conclusion and be willing to go on national television to say that.
May 4, 2022
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Wait you peeps think aliens are visiting us?

Then on top of it, every single senior gov or pentagon official who spent last decade studying theses cases and data sets is also openly saying it's not human. Then their bosses, the most senior intelligence officers in the US i.e Head of Intelligence and CIA, are also going on TV and saying that the alien hypothesis is not only possible, but the most likely. Not just one intelligence officer or CIA director, but around 10 combined, going back to the 50's.

Sorry, I call bullshit on this.
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