UFOs and Aliens


Aug 2, 2020
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I think when Steven Greer releases 6 more films, we'll know the truth.
No seriously look at what all he said a few years back that should have been revealed by now. And what's been revealed? Nothing.
Same goes for this document/these people from 2011 (time stamp 37:35)

Cite: "Now the quality of this footage is obviously poor, and i am not expecting to convice you. My point is that being there with these inventors, accompanied by experts and seeing these new energy devices in operation conviced ME that the technology is real."
And how do they expect other people to believe them? If it's real, he had to be there to see those devices to believe it. And we're supposed to believe without some solid proof?

The so-called new technologies are here again and they are called Plasmoid

I'll bet you in 30 years it won't be here. Because it's the same stupidity as the thrive documentary, a few inventors and they shut them all up? Oh sure, I want to hear one more joke. The simpler explanation is that it doesn't exist.

BUT, for a glimpse of extraterrestrial life, check out this STS footage from 1996 (time 3:34)

And then this video about crop circles

I think there is a connection between these light circular objects.
Of course you can say this video is edited, that crop circles were made by two Brits in the 80's named Doug and Dave (yes some of them were), but don't tell me you can explain all crop circles by saying they were made with a rope and a board.
And some research on PLANT ABNORMALITIES
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Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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Wow look at this one fellaz. We can say for sure that something truly unknown to us is taking place here, what a strange thing it is. The options I believe are complex human technology at which is secret or something from the universe. We know it is not natural related because it keeps its flight path with the aircraft for 25 minutes and shows some repetition in its pattern.

The two pilots say that it flies in and out in great speeds, faster than they ever seen an aircraft. I put the link so it goes straight to footage. You can see the second video of it at 46:45



Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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vague footage that looks like a standard exhaust plume. not impressed.

Bobby Summa

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Wow look at this one fellaz. We can say for sure that something truly unknown to us is taking place here, what a strange thing it is. The options I believe are complex human technology at which is secret or something from the universe. We know it is not natural related because it keeps its flight path with the aircraft for 25 minutes and shows some repetition in its pattern.

The two pilots say that it flies in and out in great speeds, faster than they ever seen an aircraft. I put the link so it goes straight to footage. You can see the second video of it at 46:45

I think Erik in the video is doing it for the Insta hits! 😉


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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looks like a standard exhaust plume.

Show us. If standard should be easy to do so. Not odd that a pilot with thousands of hours doesnt come to that same conclusion?

Agree that it isnt even close to proof of aliens, but nothing about the video or description from the pilot matches exhaust fumes. Do exhaust fumes change color like that (I dont know)? Why isn't it coming up on the planes radar if its from a standard aircraft? Why are the exhuat plumes pulsating? Why do the pilots describe speeds unachievable by aircraft?
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Show us. If standard should be easy to do so.
Scroll to 0.26, and now position yourself traveling behind or in front said F16 (or an f117) at a pitch black night.

I can give you an even more radical and prettier one from a recent rocket launch

Not odd that a pilot with thousands of hours doesnt come to that same conclusion?
Not odd that there's billions of other pilots, aeronautical engineers and scientists not even bothering with so much as a shoulder shrug over this latest "amazing discovery" 😄
Agree that it isnt even close to proof of aliens, but nothing about the video or description from the pilot matches exhaust fumes. Do exhaust fumes change color like that (I dont know)? Why isn't it coming up on the planes radar if its from a standard aircraft? Why are the exhuat plumes pulsating? Why do the pilots describe speeds unachievable by aircraft?
This is exactly why I went with exhaust plume(s). The pulsating effect is well known as Shock Diamonds or Mach diamonds which occur when a jet engine burns though the athmosphere. (watch any space x launch at night footage and you'll find clips matching exactly that only prettier) They form when the exhaust nozzle(s) is/are slightly over expanded meaning that the gasses exiting the nozzle are (in terms of pressure) less then the air surrounding it. Exhaust plumes also regularly change colour depending on the mixture (oxygen intake versus afterburn) . Then there's the surrounding athmospheric composition that has an impact (does it travel through a cloud yes or no?) etc. As for why it didn't show up on radar, easiest answer is simply out of range, (footage is quite vague/small/ far away) then there's always the option of a stealth/ steatlh UAV aircraft.

The "unachievable speeds" question can be brushed away with Parallax and/or the view/recording (surprise surprise) being very vague ,as usual which easily creates the optical illusion of physics breaking speeds. Also. how did the pilot verify these speeds exactly? I though this thing didn't show up on radar? 🤔

nah sorry man, not impressed.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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@jetflag that all sounds very plausible on paper, but the video you posted of the jet engine looks absolutely nothing like what's captured, not even 1% like it, regardless of position. Even a rocket theory is a bad one and easily ruled out. The photo you attached is from a rocket + twilight effect, which has large plumes of smoke trailing it, changes dramatically in appearance over short time, does not pulse, has its own trajectory i.e it does not match or look anything like what's recorded. It also only appears 30 mins after sunset and this event is 2.5 hours after.

I watched the full interview now and I guess the key details is that it actually matches the path and speed of the Boeing for 30 minutes, so it follows it. Impossible to be a launched rocket then. It also changes position a few times, meaning angles of supposed engines would be easily distinguishable to former air-force pilots.

More details that contradict jet or rocket engine; object is 1km away, object has no sound (you'd hear the jet engine), object shines a beam of light across the fuselage, object is observed entering and re-entering their airspace, and the 3 pilots are surprised (to say the least) by the speeds.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I watched the full interview now and I guess the key details is that it actually matches the path and speed of the Boeing for 30 minutes, so it follows it
I have another one here wich claims the object seemed to be moving away from the aircraft. whats is it gonna be ?

but the video you posted of the jet engine looks absolutely nothing like what's captured, not even 1% like it, regardless of position.
no, not from up close and viewed from the side no, but, and you'll have to take my "expert" word on this as a former militairy aircraft spotter with "years" of experience. It does when you look at it from behind and far away.
object is 1km away
how is that determined/verified? the object didn't show up on radar remember, how did they determine/measure the distance?
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Movements described here in the report that was filed. It follows in speed, altitude and heading across the 32 minutes, but with moments of position change (distance and angle). Distance from Boeing is estimated by pilots eyes, which even if both pilots calculations are off by 1000% , still puts it easily in range of radar, and for normal aircraft features to be identified. It is without question not a rocket or known jet engine. Not a single fact or detail supports those as options. Secret strange/advanced military tech the only reasonable theory outside of non-human options.

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 9.54.35 PM.png
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Jul 17, 2020
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by pilots eyes
At a pitch, pitch black night.

Of which all the other facts assumptions like speed/ direction, distance etc are based.

the rest of the phenomena correlate/ can be attributed with what I’ve mentioned earlier about plumes/parallax etc.

not impressed, and probably why the overwhelming majority of experts isn’t either. But you’re free to be if you want too. ;)
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Jul 13, 2020
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"Belief in aliens" is so weird.
It's socially acceptable to believe that aliens exist somewhere in the universe.
It's still fringe to believe that aliens are visiting the Earth occassionally as UFOs.

It doesn't help that the "evidence" for UFOs tends to be low-res videos where the presumed UFO can be barely seen.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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"Belief in aliens" is so weird.
It's socially acceptable to believe that aliens exist somewhere in the universe.
It's still fringe to believe that aliens are visiting the Earth occassionally as UFOs.

It doesn't help that the "evidence" for UFOs tends to be low-res videos where the presumed UFO can be barely seen.
it all has to do with scale and physics.

Assuming that our observations of the known universe are correct and that physics works around the same for the most part in said (observable) universe, it is:

1, so incredibly huge in terms of distance and proportionatly filled with planets and stars that based on chance alone there should be alien life out there (even it its just plant life)

2, so incredibly huge in terms of distance that you would have to break physics to simultaneously not be seen on approach ánd arrive within a period that wouldn't take hundreds/thousands of years to do so (and that is even if you could hypothetically relatively travel c+, which you can't)

this creates on the one hand a clear expectation and problem (fermi paradox, where are the aliens?) and 2, a (qualitatively speaking) huge evidence demand, which consistently isn't met (fueling the scepsis)
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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When it comes to size I usually refer to this webpage

You can zoom in and in and in and every single dot is not a planet, but a star; And between every dot there are trillions of trillions of kilometers. To say "space is big" is such an understatement humans can't actually comprehend it. It's so big you would actually have to break our current understanding of physics to make the travel happen and when it does, all we have are tapes taped by a fucking cassette-tape with more grain than the number of women who have rejected me. And it's not just the distance, but also angle. When travelling trillions of kilometers a deviation of 0,001 degrees will take you to a whole different section of the Universe.

UFO's might have visited us, but when all the evidence we have is 69 children from a school in Zimbabwe almost 30 years ago, tape which looks like it was shot by Neanderthals or vague statements like "It moved fast", I'm sorry, I just need something better than that.
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Feb 24, 2021
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UFO's might have visited us, but when all the evidence we have is 69 children from a school in Zimbabwe almost 30 years ago, tape which looks like it was shot by Neanderthals or vague statements like "It moved fast", I'm sorry, I just need something better than that.

That’s not a good summary of the evidence. You and me see tiny military clips, but the intelligence agencies obviously have the full length versions,and that’s alongside years of different radar, satellite and imaging information, reports, testimony, all analyzed for the last 15 years in what’s now three different pentagon programs. They really have a different attitude to this than you. They believe it’s not human, and tell us on national TV.

Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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At the end of the day, its human nature to inquire how this universe works. Why are we here etc. As modern technology has evolved and new belief systems arised, we started forming pictures of aliens and films etc about the concept were made.

Lots of strange spiritual/ new age type religions/ways of life have also got huge, especially in the 1990’s some of which were influenced by the 60’s culture too. Some of these people were very intelligent tho and many ideas about stuff like astral planes / astral projection and higher /lower dimensional realities also came into the strange spiritual beliefs people went for.

……But, if you look into the pure physics of this. Im sure Brian Cox once said, because of the planets and space material that is close to our galaxy, and all the parts of the universe that have been examined and no possibilie environment for life found. There is no way anything would come from these areas as no environment to accommodate life exists. In order for something outside of the areas of the universe examined to of developed life and formed aliens - It would be completely impossible due to the distance for any life to ever get anything like as far as earth. It would not be possible under the laws of physics.

In saying that, various indian yogis say years ago, enlightened beings, yogis etc used to hop around in things to to with ( I forget what its called but a bit like teleportation) so, perhaps they’re full of shit or there are some laws of the universe physics hasn’t found. But I don’t really go for anything like odd laws / theories supporting stuff like teleportation. Its all far to fantasmagorical! ( I don’t know if thats an actual word but ‘fantasmagorical’ is what it is. Fantasy.

There are however plenty of strange phenomena that can fall into our laws of phsics such as Ball lightning ( which I believe i saw once when i was 15 as it floated through a window, …. But it was blue? ( I hadn’t done any drugs by 15) and don’t worry I hadn’t developed mental illness till my mid 20’s and never hallucinated when i was ill. ) - Was bloody strange though! At that time I was just investigating my own beliefs and looking into things like budhism, but really hadn’t developed any beliefs whatsoever.

Anyone here know anything about Ball Lighting?… If anyone suggests however i was being visited by aliens I will duely come round and chop off your little plonker!!! (willy) 😂 Perhaps it was my Synesthesia going very vivid. ( but ive only realised in the last 2 years i experience it, I was however probably listening to stuff like Tangerine Dream at that moment as was round a mate who loved them) - so maybe it was vivid synesthesia???? @jetflag. Any thoughts?
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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That’s not a good summary of the evidence. You and me see tiny military clips, but the intelligence agencies obviously have the full length versions,and that’s alongside years of different radar, satellite and imaging information, reports, testimony, all analyzed for the last 15 years in what’s now three different pentagon programs. They really have a different attitude to this than you. They believe it’s not human, and tell us on national TV.
Of course it's not a good summary of the "evidence" and sorry for not ending my sentences with a "/s" to make it clear I was putting it on the edge. Let me say it like this; I'm definitely not willing to just accept eye-witness testimony and some satellite and half-assed image information if it means we have to turn our entire understanding of how the Universe works upside down. Some of our best tested science experiments, theories and hypotheses are build on the very "fact" that light is the fastest thing in the Universe.

And let us not just talk about speed: Fine, let's assume some green men out there have managed to break the speed of light by, let's say 10% - or even 100% - even by that MASSIVE AMOUNT it would still take millions of years for them to visit Earth and what's the chance they would hit our exact planet when the Universe is this massive and empty. We are not talking about "what's the chance of hitting a duck when driving to work?"

Big disclaimer, because apparently you have to do that now: I KNOW THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE KNOW EVERYTHING AND THAT THE CHANCES ALIENS HAVE VISITED US IS 0%. And I also know science have been wrong before, is wrong now in many circumstances and will continue to be wrong in many ways because that's how science works, but to throw away all of that right now because of the "evidence" we currently have is just not something I'm going to accept atm.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Another thing most folks also dont seem to be able to grasp or put in their minds is:

the speed of light is not about light.

its about causality/ causal connection

this is why any hypothetical ftl is a defacto time machine that would allow one to travel back to a point in space-time before setting off and even before you where born and causally effecting that event, creating a paradox.