This is such poor take btw, and very harsh. The average cost of scientific research is between $30,000 - $50,000 (from what I could see), so in comparison any research costing let’s say 10x this amount would fall into the realm of extraordinary funding. Leob needed 250x this average for his expedition to the ocean to collect the interstellar object, which was historic and extraordinary…he’s not just stating facts but he’s actually living it
His comment is fair/reasonable and it is demonstrably true. His Galleio project (attempting to capture and classify the UAP) also needed millions for the necessary sensory equipment to have a chance at producing statistically significant data.
Yes, there is a reality of funding involved in research. Nobody including me denies that. But the E
thos of Science and any credible scientist for that matter, especially if its a communicator, which is what certainly Leob is, is:
->Nullius in Verba<-
Put up, or shut up, (don't pay up)
The fact that its begrudgingly part and parcel of the reality of doing research doesn’t mean you should therefor, especially as a science communicator, promote it. Science as a methodology is not a populist democracy, or a financial lobby for that matter.. And if science, as a method and institute is, as its striving goal, all about securing funding for the most wishfull, popular idea…then how can you, or anyone, take research ANY research flowing from that seriously?
How is that not to the core tainted by profit margin or crowd pleasing?
Its bad enough that you have companies like Malboro doing their own "research” to prove that “weeell.... we áctually can’t tell if smoking causes cancer a 100% so hey ho! Just keep smoking, its all vague and unsure sais our “objective” research”…..
But the fact that you have this guy boasting it in that yes it ís all about the money, instead of the EVIDENCE, and basterdizing a fundamental ethos of science , isn't "fair and resonable" its appauling. and he's rightly called out for it.
tháts what makes him a shill, not the fact that he's done well in securing funding for his galileo observatories which you know.. good on him.
Also, sidenote, examples that he and
@Manofearth bemoan as "unfair" here are quintessential schoolbook cases of a non-comparison.
The (theoretical) frameworks, for things like the LHC and other particle colliders like it (namely quantum mechanics) is well established, and continuely build up on by the
mountain of veriviable, reproducable and peer-reviewed evidence from decades of previous experimental setups, like the double slit experiment. that by the way didn't cost billions.
So... Sorry, no, the alien-UAP claim and things like quantum mechanics, quantum gravity, or cancer research are utterly mutally excluvive. You or Loeb's specific Pet-idea/desire of Life/alien tech on Oumuamua isn't on par with any of those.
And I love how this red-herring of "closed minds" is thrown under the bus again. No, the skeptic mind isn't "closed".. its not about minds being closed vs open, its about finding out what is true or not THE CORRECT WAY.
Follow the evidence, Don't lead (or wish) it.
(and Kill your Darlings)